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布朗的悲剧在于他的动摇与软弱。Brown' s tragedy is due to his fluctuation and flabbiness.

能把松驰且端面不整齐的卷料重卷为紧实整齐的卷料。This machine can rewind the web from flabbiness to firmness and neatness.

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局限性,即妥协性和软弱性。Ma" s educational thoughts, however, has its limitation-compromise and flabbiness ."

没人会笑你,因为任何人都有软弱与受伤的时候。No one will laugh you, bcs everyone of us will have the time of flabbiness and hurt.

孩子狂妄自大是为了掩盖自己内心的软弱。Kid's extremely conceited arrogance is for covering up oneself's heart of flabbiness.

臂膀平且肌肉发达,骨骼坚实,但不粗糙,且肌肉坚硬,没有软弱无力的样子。Arm flat and muscular. Bone substantial but not coarse and muscles hard and devoid of flabbiness.

见到你时我可以学会沉默,什么也不说,却逃不出想你的种种软弱。I would pretend to be silent when i see you, but i can't escape from the flabbiness of keeping thinking of you.

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又由于中国民族资产阶级在经济上、政治上的软弱性,在另一种历史环境下,它就会动摇变节。In other historical circumstances, the Chinese national bourgeoisie will vacillate and defect because of its economic and political flabbiness.

由于中国民族资产阶级在经济上、治上的软弱性,在另一种历史环境下,它就会动摇变节。In other historical circumstances, the Chinese national bourgeoisie will vacillate and defect because of its economic and political flabbiness.

然而,由于对风险认识不足,对风险管理不力而造成堆石坝填筑施工出现问题的工程屡见不鲜。However, because of scarcity of risk identifying and flabbiness of risk management, there often have problems in many concrete faceplate rock dam construction.

三峡库区蓄水后,由于水位上升滑坡地区的软弱层遇到水就会变软并引起滑塌。After the Three Gorges Reservoir impounded, due to the rise of ground water, the flabbiness layers in landslides will become soft and collapse when they meet water.