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继续播这张唱片愀宝贝。Spin that record babe.

他们打电话给他,“唐恩的贝贝。”They called him, "Dunn's babe."

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他打破了贝比·鲁斯的记录。He had beaten Babe Ruth's record.

昨天晚上,我钓到一个漂亮妹妹。I picked up a hot babe last night.

所以贝比鲁斯来到了医院。So Babe Ruth came to the hospital.

贝比鲁斯被安葬在纽约市附近。Babe Ruth is buried near New York City.

阿贝和贝比将从格雷格那儿抓幼虫。Abe and Babe will grab a grub from Greg.

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疯婆子!有你,我真的很幸运,宝贝。Crazy bitch! I'm lucky I have you, babe.

阿贝和贝比将从格雷格那儿抓幼虫吗?Will Abe and Babe grab a grub from Greg?

当然见到贝博·鲁思是不可能的了。To meet Babe Ruth, of course, was not possible.

有了新的电热毯,我睡的就像一个婴儿。I sleep like a babe with my new electric blanket.

你不能依赖他,他只是是一个涉世未深的毛头小子。You can't depend on him. He's just a babe in arms.

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尽管她已经三十岁了,看上去还象个小孩。She seemed a babe altho ugh she was already thirty.

贝比•卢斯曾经被三振出局过1,300次,成为全联盟的一大记录。Babe Ruth struck out 1,300 times, a major league record.

牛羣呜叫,不知道基督圣婴是万有主。Oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the Babe is Lord of all.

年轻棒球选手被称为贝比鲁斯永远。The young baseball player became known forever as Babe Ruth.

我从来没有见过一个乌木饱满像这样的宝贝之前。I had never seen an ebony plumper quite like this babe before.

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她还有一个小男孩,全身裹在毛皮里,但已经死了。She had a boy babe too, all swaddled up in fur, but he was dead.

有一次,室友平·博迪被人问起和贝比同居一室是什么样子的。Ping Bodie was once asked what it was like to bunk with the Babe.

泽南在餐椅里面的时间是有上限的,吃完饭最多再待十分钟就不行了。Lukas doesnt like stay in the babe chair for long time after meal.