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邪术巨人的近身战斗最为有效。An eldritch giant is most effective as a melee combatant.

在货币战争中,每个人都在某种程度上以战争结束。One way or another, everyone ends up a combatant in the currency wars.

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我不想成为一个民主力量战斗现在。In terms of impact, I would not like to be an FDLR combatant right now.

在现代战争中,战斗人员和非战斗人员遇上空袭都可能丧生。In modern war both combatant and non combatant are killed in air attack.

真男人要敢于拼搏,也要懂得保护自己和家人。Real man dare to combatant and he knows also to protect himself and family.

美国北方司令部是美国军方的一个统一的战斗司令部。The US Northern Command is a Unified Combatant Command of the United States military.

此外,运动员还需要发扬团队精神和拼搏精神。In addition, the trampolinists need developing collective spirit and combatant spirit.

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他们必须是参战国吗?还是包括中立国?或者是战区中的中立国?Do they have to be a combatant country? or are neutrals included? or only neutrals in war zones?

战斗舰与非战斗舰之间的那种本来已经不十分明显的界线,这时几乎已不存在了。The line between the combatant and non-combatant ship, already indistinct , had almost vanished.

但是战争中的行动指挥官依然应该在使用命名系统时秉持一种谨慎的态度。Combatant Commands still have to be careful about what words they pick under the two-letter system.

一个典型的例子就是无人航空器增添战斗指挥官的效能。One example of this is the capabilities that unmanned aerial vehicles bring to combatant commanders.

这就是亚马逊能够处于绝佳的位置将平板电脑之战转换成两个对手间的战斗的原因之一。That’s one reason Amazon is in the best position to turn the tablet battle into a two combatant war.

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白宫已经表示,他将在美国刑事审判系统接受审判,而不会被视为敌方战斗员。The White House has said he'll be tried in the US criminal justice system and won't be treated as an enemy combatant.

有报告说她在银河内战期间复出,在赫特人贾巴的亡命竞技场上担当斗士。There are reports that she resurfaced during the Galactic Civil War as a combatant in Jabba the Hutt's demolition contests.

数据将包括战斗和非战斗人员伤亡信息和数据,未来每年都将发布。The data will contain information on combatant and non-combatant casualties and the data will be released annually in the future.

他说,“目前驻守在伊拉克的部队,是由参加过战斗的阿比扎依德司令官领导的部队。”"The number of troops currently in Iraq is the number of troops that the combatant commander , John Abizaid, has asked for, " he said.

在现代城市战斗中,与国务院打交道将不再是战斗指挥员所要考虑的事情,而应该是军队指挥官的事情。In the modern city fight, dealing with the State Department will no longer be the combatant commander's concern, but the battalion commander's.

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继续坚持老一代女排的“拼搏精神”做好梯队建设等,将是中国女排在今后的大赛乃至2008年北京奥运会再度辉煌的基础。For 2008 Beijing, we'd better improve our rare attacking and carry out combatant spirit as usual, and also consist on the succeed players training.

荷西帕迪拉因参与基地组织阴谋引爆脏弹,被认作敌军战士被关押三年半。Jose Padilla was held for three and a half years as an enemy combatant once accused of being part of an al-Qaeda plot to detonate a dirty radioactive bomb.

这个安全架构的使用大大提高了作战指挥的能力,可在所有环境下快速及时的精确定位。The use of this security architecture significantly enhances the combatant commander's ability to use precise positioning, velocity and time, in all environments.