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介绍了一种可即时监视船舶各设备状态的船用监视设备。We introduce the Surveillance equipment which could surveil the status of other equipment.

六正常运转、维护、监察及定期检查计画。Plans for the conduct of normal operations, maintenance, surveil lance and periodic testing.

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要监听工人告诉任何童话的迹象“反社会行为”,如工会组织?Want to surveil workers for any tell-tale signs of "antisocial behavior" such as union organizing?

保罗安德森所写的短篇故事“山姆大厅”中描述一个严重依靠监视的反乌托邦的颠覆。Poul anderson's short story "sam hall" depicts the subversion of a dystopia heavily dependant on surveil lance.

全球互联网自由协会的软件工具能够突破政府为监控私人电脑而实行的封锁、监视和跟踪。GIF’s software tools defeat the blocks, monitors, and traces authorities use to surveil individually owned computers.

监视这家人是基于他的怀疑,对这点他解释的很简洁,很小心也很诚实。He explained, very simply and very carefully and honestly, what he had done to surveil this family because of his suspicions.

国务院财政部门依法对国家自然科学基金的预算、财务进行管理和监督。The competent authority of finance of the State Council shall administrate and surveil the budget and finance of National Natural Science Funds.

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问题是,政府和大的制药企业将用多长时间去把纳米微型芯片浸入疫苗当中从而跟踪并监视全人类?The question is, how long will it take governments and big pharma to immerse nano-microchips inside of vaccines to tag and surveil global populations?

项目负责人应当按照项目计划书的要求使用基金资助经费,依托单位应当对项目负责人使用基金资助经费的情况进行监督。A project principal shall use the funds as required in the project plan, and a supporting institution shall surveil the project principal's use of the funds.

当然,这么做无可厚非,可以防微杜渐,避免企业,尤其是政府,对人们实施监控而侵害人权。It is well to worry about what could go wrong so we may guard against it, to assure that companies and especially government do not surveil us to our detriment.

因此对网络中的隐蔽信息进行检测和提取,已成为安全部门实现网络监控和获取情报所迫切需求的技术。Therefore the techniques of detecting and extracting hidden information are starved for by the department of national security to surveil and acquire secret information on networks.

采用容量比例概率法抽查学生甲状腺大小、尿碘、盐碘,开展加工厂盐、居民户盐及盐民自用盐的盐碘含量监测。PPS random sampling was conducted in Xiamen to measure students'thyroid, urine Iodine and salt Iodine and surveil the of factory salt Iodine, resident salt Iodine and oneself iodized salt.

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视频监控发展到今天,已经发展到了以网络为依托,以数字视频的压缩、传输、存储和播放为核心,以智能实用的图像分析为特色的第三代网络多媒体视频监控。Main purpose of this thesis is that research the third generation of network multimedia video surveillance system use principle of key technology, and develop a set of multimedia video surveil.