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在阿勒泰等地试验结果类同。Results in Altai were similar.

阿勒泰靠近中苏边境。Altai lies close to the Sino-Soviet border.

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这条河形成了阿勒泰和福海县的边界。This river forms the border of Altai and Fuhai counties.

阿尔泰眉头一皱,令手下叫出儿子胤杰。Altai eyebrows a wrinkly, to name a son under became jie.

在阿尔泰山,人们大面积地养殖这种有角的鹿。On the Altai the antler deer breeding has become widespread.

阿尔泰区域也是欧亚大陆上的死点。The Altai area is also dead center on the Eurasian continent.

突厥、回鹘语言属阿尔泰语系突厥语族。Turk, the Uighur language of the Altai language Turkic languages.

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蒙古语言属阿尔泰语系,与西方语言相似是一种拼音语言。Mongolian is belonged to Altai phylum, and similar with language of the West.

阿尔泰决定将计就计,先下手为强,对付邵正。Altai decided tos beat him at his own game, start first for strong, deal with ShaoZheng.

鄂毕河和叶尼塞河的源头分别起源于阿尔泰山和萨彦岭,流入北冰洋。The Rivers Ob and Yenisei flow into the Arctic Ocean from the Altai and Sayan Mountains.

红山嘴口岸地处阿尔泰中段的崇山峻岭之中,是季节性开放口岸。Hongshanzui port is located in the middle of the Altai mountains, is a seasonal open ports.

新疆阿尔泰山区的蒙古人中,至今尚有呼麦流传。Khoomei is still popular among the Mongolians living in the Altai mountain areas, Xinjiang.

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这张照片摄于与哈萨克斯坦接壤的俄罗斯阿尔泰边疆。The picture was taken in the Altai territory of Russia, right in the border regions of Kazakhstan.

阿尔泰山脉的斯基台人也是有纹身的古文明。The Scythian Pazyryk of the Altai Mountain region were another ancient culture which employed tattoos.

文中介绍了位于亚洲腹地阿尔泰山地区的活动断裂。The major active faults of Altai Mountains in backland of Asian continent are introduced in this paper.

阿尔泰造山带是中亚地区显生宙大陆地壳增生明显的地区之一,蕴藏丰富的矿产资源。The Altai orogeny, as one of notable crustal accretion areas, is famous for its abundant mineral deposits.

当时,尼安德特人与解剖学上的现代人类还生活在该地区的西伯利亚,在阿尔泰深山中。At that time, Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans also lived in that region of Siberia, deep in the Altai Mountains.

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阿尔泰及胤杰父子商量,是否应和吴霸天交易以黄金万两换取二毛?Altai and became a father and son jie discuss, whether should the day of trading with gold wu two thousand exchange for two hairs?

他们精湛表演,曾在全苏民间艺术节获奖,也是阿尔泰列宁共青团奖金获得者。Because of its high quality of performance, the Group was awarded in the Soviet Union Art Festival, and Altai Lenin Komsomol Prize.

区分这些语言中的同源词和借词直接涉及到阿尔泰诸语言亲缘关系的确定问题。If distinguishing the cognates and borrowed words on these languages , family relationships of all the languages in Altai are involved.