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在交火时三名罪犯全部被击中。All three criminals got shot in the crossfire.

在与罪犯交火时三名警察被击中。Three cops got shot in the crossfire with the criminals.

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在带领围擒的一个交火中捕捉黑色的国王。Catching the black king in a crossfire leading to checkmate.

这两门炮横在飞行线路上,组成了凶猛的交叉火力。The guns, straddling the flight path, began a murderous crossfire.

政府官员曾暗示卡扎菲是在交火中被打死的。Government officials have suggested Col. Gadhafi was killed in crossfire.

猛烈的交战炮火,已经严重伤害或杀死成千上万的人民。Thousands of civilians have been killed or severely wounded in furious crossfire.

两大工业企业争斗之下,小公司遭受池鱼之殃。When two industrial giants clash, small companies can get caught in the crossfire.

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他说,另外一名妇女在交火中被杀害,但是是在该建筑的另一层。He says another woman was killed in crossfire but on a different floor of the building.

其他国家,比如从未被殖民过的阿富汗,则在冷战中备受东西方交火的煎熬。Others, like never-colonized Afghanistan, were shredded in the savage crossfire of the Cold War.

装扮成卖东西的普通农民的游击队员们把敌军诱入强大的交叉火力圈中。Partisans dressed as simple farmers selling produce decoyed the soldiers into blistering crossfire.

霍尔通过谈判在飞机和乘客陷入交火前达成了停火协议。Hoare managed to negotiate a ceasefire before the aircraft and passengers were caught in the crossfire.

美联储的肯尼迪和银币的故事来自吉姆·马尔斯写的交火这本书。The narrative about the Federal Reserve Bank Kennedy and silver comes from the book Crossfire by Jim Marrs.

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利比亚的临时政府说,他被俘获时并未受伤,是在随后的交叉火力中受到了致命一击。Libya's interim government said he was captured unharmed and later mortally wounded in crossfire from both sides.

之后他们又称一名妇女在袭击中死亡,但是死于双方的交火过程中,两名信差也当场丧命。They later said one woman had died in the raid but had been "caught in the crossfire". Two couriers were also killed.

不过,我们也要注意到,CrossFire和WebKit的新协议都对Web调试特性提供了广泛的支持。debugging. Note that CrossFire and WebKit's new protocol offer support for the whole range of web debugging features, ie.

起先,他们显示出把回族和汉族的个人以及生意作为攻击目标,但是许多藏族也被卷入。They appeared to target Muslim and Han Chinese individuals and businesses first but many Tibetans were also caught in the crossfire.

万尼地区恰恰处在战区。有证据显示,越来越多的普通民众难逃战火。Vanni is at the center of the current fighting and evidence indicates that more and more civilians are being caught in the crossfire.

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也就是说,如果与中国的争端升级为交火冲突,菲律宾最强大的盟友将不会驰援。That is, if the dispute with China to upgrade the crossfire of conflict, the most powerful ally, the Philippines will not rush to the rescue.

早些时候他曾说,卡扎菲藏在下水管道里,被揪了出来,后来在亲卡和反卡部队的交火中受了致命伤。Earlier he said that Gaddafi hidden in the water pipes, was pulled out later in the pro-and anti-card unit cards in crossfire mortally wounded.

数百万黎巴嫩平民因真主党的无故进攻和绑架行为而处于激烈的战火之中。Millions of Lebanese civilians have been caught in the crossfire of military operations because of the unprovoked attack and kidnappings by Hezbollah.