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多毛症常常是多囊卵巢综合征的结果。Hirsutism is frequently a result of PCOS.

对待多毛症和多囊卵巢综合征可能存在心理困扰。Dealing with hirsutism and PCOS can be emotionally difficult.

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女性多毛症表现为面部、胸部和腹部长毛。Women with hirsutism grow hair on their faces, breasts and stomachs.

倾向于是遗传性发育但病因未明。This tendency to develop hirsutism is genetic but the cause is not known.

年轻人诊断多毛症和多囊卵巢综合征都不难治疗。Both hirsutism and PCOS are easier to treat when diagnosed at a young age.

与痤疮和多毛症不同,脱发的药物治疗要难得多。Unlike acne and hirsutism , medical management of hair loss is much more difficult.

然而,治疗多毛症的低剂量类固醇很少出现这些副作用。However, these side effects are seldom seen at the low doses used for treating hirsutism.

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多毛症是一种常能用激素药成功治疗的常见病。Hirsutism is a common disorder that can usually be successfully treated with hormonal medication.

是多毛症的常见病因,常与不规则排卵或不排卵的不孕有关。It is a common cause of hirsutism and is frequently associated with irregular or absent ovulation and infertility.

雄性激素循环于血液系统,治疗多毛症关键在于降低这些雄性激素的水平。Androgens travel around the body in the blood stream, and a key way of treating hirsutism is to reduce the level of these androgens.

报告作者史温格勒说,这种状况称为多毛症,很令人烦恼,对年轻女性来说特别令人心烦。Report author, Dr Rebecca Swingler said the condition, known as hirsutism , is distressing and can be particularly upsetting for young women.

本组中4例伴有高血压,3例同时伴有皮质腺瘤,2例库欣综合征,1例为肥胖多毛。In this group, there were4patients with hypertension, 3with adrenocortical adenoma, 2with Cushing's syndrome, and1with centric obesity and hirsutism.

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虽然一些疗法在阻止脱毛症上有效果,但FDA对其应用于女性脱发或多毛症的治疗尚未认可。Although a number of treatments are effective in arresting androgenic alopecia, they are not FDA approved for use in women with alopecia, nor in hirsutism.

如果诊断多毛症或多囊卵巢综合征,你的目标和关注可能是常能在相当短的时间里治疗成功。If you are diagnosed with hirsutism or PCOS, your goals and concerns can be addressed in a relatively short period of time, and treatment is often successful.

这种疗法很有效,被内分泌学家广泛地应用在脱发的治疗中,也用于多毛和顽固性难治性囊肿性痤疮中。This treatment program is frequently helpful and widely used by endocrinologists in the treatment of alopecia, as well as hirsutism and stubbornly resistant cystic acne.

如果母亲和祖母多毛,应该及早留意你和孩子多毛的早期征兆,特别是在青春期。If your mother or grandmother experienced excessive hair growth, you should watch for early signs of hirsutism in yourself and your children, especially during adolescence.

塔梅尔教授说,“我们现在还需要开展深入研究以确定这一研究结果是否可靠,并且看看降低雄性激素水平究竟能在多大程度上改善女性轻度多毛症”。"We now need to do further studies to test the reliability of this finding, and to see the extent to which the reduced androgens do help women with mild hirsutism , " says Professor Tamer.