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一周拼一次车。Carpool once a week.

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你需要顺道共搭一部车吗?Do you need a carpool?

后天,我可以拼车省钱。The day after, I'll carpool to save money.

步行、骑自行车、坐公共汽车或尽量合伙用车。Walk, bike, take a bus, or carpool when possible.

与其他父母们“拼车”会使生活更惬意。Try to carpool with other parents to make life easier.

和朋友共乘,走路、搭公车或骑自行车。Carpool with your friends, walk, take the bus, or ride a bike.

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问问你的同事们是否想合伙用车。Ask your coworkers if they’d like to organize a carpool together.

比如,相比开车去上班,坐公交或合伙用车。For instance, instead of driving to work, take the bus or carpool.

如果你太累了没法开车,就搭别人的车或者乘出租车上下班。If you are too tired to drive, carpool or take a cab to and from work.

交通开始变得拥挤,因此他决定换到左侧的拼车车道。Traffic was building so he decided to get into the carpool lane on his left.

共乘车道可以降低二氧化碳排放量,上下班通勤压力也会减小。Carpool lanes decrease carbon dioxide emissions and lower costs of commuting.

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你能和朋友拼个车,这样你就不用每天亲自开车了?Can you carpool with a friend, so that you don't have to drive every single day?

更妙的是,一次将和一个朋友的所有出行进行合并同时拼车。Even better, consolidate and carpool all at once by running errands with a friend.

这位球星的车撞上了一辆出现故障并停在合用车道上的金色三菱。Turns out the soccer star hit a broken down gold Mitsubishi stalled in the carpool lane.

我们将再一次合伙使用汽车并且我夫妻将回家数天,之前一起帮助那。We will once again carpool and I will be home a couple of days before to help with that.

“汽车共乘”是指两个或两个以上的通勤者搭乘一部汽车,并且分摊车资。A carpool is when two or more commuters share driving expenses by riding together in one car.

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他演过“码头风云”“炎热的夜晚”,也演过“乌龙抢匪妙事多”这样的大烂片“He was in "On the Waterfront," "In the Heat of the Night," and really bad movies like "Carpool."

请问,在公路上,孕妇可以算作两个人使用共乘车道吗?Would pregnant women be counted as two people for the purposes of using carpool lanes on the highway?

有的则通过网络找到了开车出行的“另一半”,开始了为期两个月的“拼车族”生活。Some are finding partners on the Web, with whom they can share cars, starting a 2-month "carpool" life.