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一个报童在尖声叫卖号外。A newsboy was screaming an extra.

一个报童在尖声叫卖号外。Charles finally caught on as a newsboy.

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报童头上戴着顶暖和的帽子。The newsboy wore a warm cap on his head.

报童又给了我一份特刊。The newsboy gave me an extra special edition.

随机模糊需求下的报童问题。The newsboy problem with the random-fuzzy demand.

报童把报纸投错了地方。The newsboy throws his papers in the wrong place.

建立了模糊报童问题的期望利润模型。The expected profit model of fuzzy newsboy problem is established.

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本文利用模拟法解决报童问题。This article uses the analogue method to solve the newsboy problem.

讨论带有预算费用约束的报童问题。The present paper covers the newsboy model with budget cost constraint.

研究模糊环境下可追加订购的报童问题。The reordering newsboy problem was researched under the uncertainty circumstances.

接着又来了第二个卖“快报”的带喊带跑的声音。Then came the voice of another newsboy selling the "Stop-press News, " bawling as he ran past.

基于价格折扣条件下的报童模型,研究了分销商面向折拐的需求价格曲线。Based on the newsboy model for price discounts, the bended price-demand curve for distributors is analyzed.

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根据库恩——塔克条件解决凸规划问题的思想对模型进行分析,使得模糊需求报童问题更切实际。So we based on this method to analysis the constraint model. In this case the fuzzy demand newsboy problem is more practical.

在柔性契约的研究方面,以报童模型和其他经典供应链模型为模板所作的模型化研究比较多。In flexible contract research, some researchers use newsboy model and other classical models to study about the new coordinate method.

然后,将本模型与报童模型进行比较,证明采用替代策略可以提高销售商的收益及服务水平。Then, we compare our model with the newsboy model, and prove that the profit and sever level can be improved by using the substitution policy.

在收益、服务水平等方面对此模型与经典报童模型进行了初步比较,并对最优解的灵敏度进行了分析。On the other hand, the profit, service level, sensitivity analysis etc of the new model were compared with those of the classical newsboy model.

其他一些帽子则是受了历史或时尚的启发,比如标志性的飞行员头盔,或是与旧风尚‘报童帽’相似的司机帽。Other hats are inspired by history and fashion, such as the iconic aviator helmet or the cabbie cap which resembles old fashioned "newsboy" hats.

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经典报童问题即单周期库存问题,研究的是面对随机需求量,零售商应该订购多少产品以获得最大的利润。According to the ignorance of price competition, facing stochastic price-dependent demand, a demand model based on the newsboy problem is proposed.

他们的阴谋败露是因为一次偶然将装有密电码的空硬币给了布鲁克林的一个报童。Their schemes began to unravel when one of their hollow nickels containing a coded message accidentally ended up in the hands of a Brooklyn newsboy.

又因为某个包含编码信息镍币落入到一个布鲁克林的送报童手中,他们的阴谋计划被破坏了。Their schemes began to unravel when one of their hollow nickels containing a coded message accidentally ended up in the hands of a Brooklyn newsboy.