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我发冷。I have a chill.

沉住气好吗?Will you chill out?

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冷彻我的眉睫。Sunk chill on my brow.

冷藏,加冰块饮用。Chill and serve over ice.

我感到周身发冷。I felt a chill creep over me.

寒冷的十二月带来雨夹雪。Chill December brings the sleet.

泣雨低吟凄风吹。Tears of wind chill rain low moans.

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放入雪柜冷藏至凝固。Chill in the refrigerator until set.

他在凄风冷雨中荡来荡去。He wandered about in the chill rain.

那情景使我心寒。The sight sends a chill to my heart.

我们得把这酒温一温。We must take the chill off the wine.

在家里,冷和冷藏食品。At home, chill and refrigerate foods.

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马吕斯心里忧郁地打了一个寒战。A gloomy chill traversed Marius' heart.

我放了些啤酒到冰箱里冷藏。I put some beer in the icebox to chill.

把威士忌酒放在冰盒里冰镇。Put the whisky in the ice box to chill.

我打算今早好好玩一玩,放松放松!I put some beer in the ice-box to chill.

我想吃支冰淇淋放松一下。I think I need an ice-cream to chill out.

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他的话使全医院为之寒心。His speech cast a chill over the hospital.

今天早上有点寒气袭人。There was a chill in the air this morning.

我想融入到不同的创造者之中。I want to chill with the ‘difference makers.