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在泰国吗?In Thailand?

在泰国呢?。Whatabout in Thailand?

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我可是在泰国出生的。I was born in Thailand.

苏珊和连恩在泰国。Susan and Liam are in Thailand.

公司总务组发的泰国地图很漂亮。Nice Map of Thailand from YS Wu.

泰国处处都是榴莲。Durians are everywhere in Thailand.

这两周之内我准备去泰国。I'm going to Thailand in two weeks.

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还有泰国的粉红色千足虫。And the pink millipedes of Thailand.

和个假小子在泰国自助游。Backpacking in Thailand with a toyboy.

双手合十是泰国最基本的礼节。Namaste is a basic manner in Thailand.

你们是去泰国还是印度尼西亚呢?Should you go to Thailand or Indonesia?

她为什么不在泰国和他们见面呢?Why couldn’t she meet them in Thailand?

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本人在泰国的时候就不小心被狗咬伤。I in Thailand when they accidentally bites.

就在泰国湾的芭达雅。It's crazy Pattaya on the Gulf of Thailand.

泰国在2000年淘汰了DDT的使用。Thailand phased out the use of DDT in 2000.

“红罗非鱼150吨”死在泰国"150 tons of red tilapias" died in Thailand

在国际妇女节讲述泰国女人的生活Life in Thailand on International Women's Day

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在古暹罗,即现在的泰国。In ancient Siam, which now is called Thailand.

隔年他们又在泰国开通基地站。The next year they opened their Thailand base.

玉米是泰国一种重要的谷类作物。Maize is one of major cereal crops in Thailand.