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已知大豆异黄酮为雌激素。Soy isoflavones are known to be estrogenic.

人们在1926年首次注意到它具有雌激素功效。They were first noted in 1926 to have estrogenic activity.

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雌三醇在怀孕妇女的尿中发现的一种雌激素。An estrogenic hormone, C18H24O3, found in the urine during pregnancy.

植物雌激素似乎同时具有雌激素功用和抗雌激素功用。Phytoestrogens seem to possess both estrogenic as well as antiestrogenic activity.

随看绝经雌激素的缺乏,病人出现以松质骨为主的骨加速丢失。An acceleration of bone loss begins along with estrogenic deficiency after menopause.

研究DDT类农药同分异构体和同系物的联合雌激素效应。Objective To study the combined estrogenic effects of the isomers and the homologue of DDT pesticide.

这类治疗方法可用于不同性别,因为这些制剂并无女性化雌激素作用。These treatments may be used in either gender because of their lack of a feminizing estrogenic effect.

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应用重组基因酵母检测DDT农药及其臭氧氧化中间产物雌激素活性的变化。A valid recombinant yeast bioassay was used to investigate estrogenic activity during ozonation of DDT.

雌激素受体分布于哺乳动物的许多组织中,介导了大部分已知的雌激素效应。Estrogen receptors are located in many tissues of mammals, which mediate a majority of estrogenic effects.

反应液中的无机离子和有机酸对E2的降解反应均有一定的抑制作用。Finally, the probably products and its estrogenic effect were examined in E2 oxidative degradation with MnO_2.

目的检测杀螟硫磷的环境雌激素活性,并探讨其作用机制。Objective To evaluate the environmental estrogenic activity of the pesticide fenitrothion and study the possible mechanism.

图腾也是最早的社会组织的标志和象征,它对于氏族内部的团结和氏族外婚制的推行具有重要意义。As the sign and symbol of the initial social organization, totem has an important significance in uniting clans and practising estrogenic marriage.

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白藜芦醇是一种植物雌激素,通过与体内不同雌激素受体位点结合而表现雌激素激动或拮抗活性。Resveartrol, a phytoestrogen, shows estrogenic and antiestrogenic activities through combination with estrogen receptor in different sites of body.

环境中由粪源产生的雌激素,由于其活性高、产生量大而对人类的生存和健康产生严重威胁。Natural and synthetic estrogens, mainly manure-borne, seriously threaten man's survival because of their high estrogenic activity as well as big production.

雌激素受体式激活的成效跟细胞类型有关,所以在解释雌激素化学物在体外使用的成效的时候,要谨慎。The cell type dependency of ER transactivation shows that caution should be exerted when interpreting effects of estrogenic compounds using in vitro systems.

早期研究结果显示,它有雌激素的活性,并且可以降低无论是激素敏感还是激素抗性的前列腺癌患者体内PSA的浓度。Early studies suggested that it had estrogenic activity and that it reduced levels of PSA in both hormone-responsive and hormone-resistant prostate cancer patients.

具有明显抗菌、抗炎、抗癌、抗高血压脂症、抗脂质过氧化等多方面的活性。Resveratrol has many biological activities, i. e. estrogenic activity, cardiovascular protective effect, neuroprotective capacity, and cancer chemopreventive activity.

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近几年,有些研究表明,它们能浸出一些有雌激素的作用的化合物。In recent years, there have been several studies showing that PET can leach some kind of compound that seems to have estrogenic activity — that seems to act like an estrogen.

白藜芦醇具有抗癌、抗菌、抗炎、抗氧化、调节激素、防治心血管疾病等多种有益于人类健康的生物药理活性。It has many biological and pharmacological activities, such as anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and estrogenic activity. It also can prevent cardiovascular diseases.

大豆雌激素混合物可能会如它莫西芬一样干涉雌激素的活跃度并降低乳腺癌复发的风险。It is scientifically sound that soy estrogenic compounds may act like tamoxifen to interfere with the activity of estrogen and reduce the risk of recurrence of breast cancer.