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马可基督教堂和总督府。Mark's Basilica and the Doge's Palace.

它是从古罗马时代的巴西利卡式演变而来。It is the era of ancient Rome's Basilica style evolved.

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在圣心大教堂上欣赏暮色中的埃菲尔铁塔。The Eiffel Tower at sunset from the Sacre-Coeur Basilica.

罗马的圣彼得大教堂1506年开始建造,到1626年才建好。Peter's Basilica in Rome, was started in 1506 and finished in 1626.

罗马教皇博尼费斯命令去史密斯?彼得教堂朝圣的人。Pope Boniface ordered pilgrims on the way to St . Peter 's Basilica.

罗马的圣彼得大教堂1506年开始建造,到1626年才建好。St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, was started in 1506 and finished in 1626.

罗伊斯大厅是位于米兰的圣安布洛乔大教堂的原样复制建筑。Royce Hall was an exact replica of the basilica of Sant Ambrogio in Milan.

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康斯坦丁的长方形廊柱大厅是古罗马广场给人留下最深刻印象的建筑。The Basilica of Constantine is the most impressive structure at the Forum.

该巴西利卡是古罗马广场上最令人印象深刻的建筑之一。The basilica is one of the most impressive buildings on the Forum Romanum.

一个更好的观点可以有步骤,通过攀升287天文台的大殿。An even better view can be had by climbing 287 steps to the basilica observatory.

螺栓变形协调实验是机械类专业的一项重要实验。The experiment on bolt of compatibility and deformation is basilica for mechanics.

教宗在罗马的约翰拉特兰大教堂举行了一个洗脚仪式。The Pontiff performed a feet-washing ceremony at St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome.

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伽利略死后大约一百年被安葬在佛罗伦萨的圣十字大殿。Galileo was buried in Florence's Santa Croce Basilica about 100 years after his death.

十一月九日,我们庆祝拉特朗大殿奉献庆日。On the ninth day of November, we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St.

在佔据义大利南部港口那不勒斯卡尔米尼圣母教堂期间,一名小女孩抱著玩偶坐在教堂内。A girl holds a doll during the occupation of the Basilica del Carmine in Naples April 22, 2008.

除了天花板的马赛克,也在大教堂的三个半圆壁龛上装饰大型的马赛克图饰。Besides the mosaics in the ceiling, the basilica is adorned with three large mosaics in the apses.

接下来的工作,从1922年四月19日到1924年六月宏伟的新大教堂终于竣工并被祝圣。Work subsequently continued from April 19, 1922 to June, 1924 when the new basilica was consecrated.

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国王被埋葬在巴黎南部的圣丹尼斯教堂去了,他的遗体在那里一直待到了1793年。The king was buried in the Basilica of Saint Denis in northern Paris, where his body stayed until 1793.

它是新世界第一个被誉为大教堂的教堂,也是加拿大主教堂之一。It is the first church in the New World to be raised to a basilica and is the primatial church of Canada.

星期三晚间,数千人来到圣彼得大教堂参加听教皇主持的圣诞节午夜弥撒。On Wednesday night, thousands turned out in Saint Peter's Basilica for the Pope's Christmas Midnight Mass.