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参加剧本写作学习班。Take a screenwriting class.

使用剧本撰写软件。Use screenwriting software.

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电影剧本应当是三幕式结构。Screenwriting is about three-act structure.

剧本撰写既是科学也是艺术。Screenwriting is both an art and a science.

自学电影剧本创作的书籍。Study books about the craft of screenwriting.

阅读一些业内优秀编剧所写的关于剧本创作的书。Read books about screenwriting written by successful screenwriters.

记住,剧本撰写的窍门之一就是不断地重写。It's important to know that a key aspect of screenwriting is to rewrite.

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为了追逐我的剧本创作生涯,我在21岁的时候来到洛杉矶。I moved to Los Angeles when I was 21 to pursue a career in screenwriting.

剧本撰写绝不仅仅是写出一个扣人心弦的故事那么简单。Screenwriting is a lot more than just putting together a compelling story.

学习剧本写作最好的方法之一,是观察此领域中的佼佼者,并学以致用。One of the best ways to learn screenwriting is to observe masters in the field.

课程的种类也多种多样,从全日制大学学位课程到3小时速成班任你挑选。Options range from full degree college programs to three-hour screenwriting intensives.

这种字体因为间距适中而成为了剧本的标准字体。This is the standard screenwriting font because it provides the proper spacing for words and letters.

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剧本写作,编剧专业学习为戏剧写剧本和为电影编剧。Students of playwriting and screenwriting learn how to write plays for the theater and screenplays for movies.

此类组织会提供课堂教学、在线课程、咨询,并组织剧本写作比赛,让你有机会获得资深编剧的指导和提携。Many offer classroom and online courses, advice, screenwriting competitions and exposure to established screenwriters.

阅读剧本撰写方面的书籍,书籍可以帮助你了解剧本撰写技术层面上的问题。Read screenwriting books. Books can go a long way toward helping you understand the technical aspects of screenwriting.

我认识的一位电影剧本创作教授曾经说过,在电影情节中发生的事件必须使人惊奇,但是也要在可接受的范围内。A screenwriting professor of mine once said that what happens in a story must be surprising but expected, and Nolan's approach to The Dark Knight epitomizes this maxim.

编剧是个技术活,需要很多设计和格式安排方面的知识——但在实施你的设计之前,必须得先有一个创意。Screenwriting is a technical process that requires a lot of formatting and knowledge of the format---but before the format can be implemented, an idea needs to form first.

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电子版权局不接收专门适用于剧本创作软件的文件格式,且PDF文件不能编辑,他们最易于计算机输出。The Electronic Copyright Office does not accept files specifically made for screenwriting software and PDF files are not editable, so they are the easiest type to export to.