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对修约间隔亦有论述。Rounding interval is also discussed.

检查鞋跟及外底是否完善圆满。Check rounding of outsoles and heels.

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由于进位原因,数字相加后可能与总数略有出入。The figures may not add up due to rounding.

鲁道夫正在绕过一个荒凉险峻的海岬。Rudolf was rounding a bleak, dangerous cape.

由于四舍五入关系,个别项目的数字加起来可能与总数略有出入。Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.

他们正在拐弯时,我赶上了他们。I came up with them as they were rounding the corner.

肯普卡要搞这么多汽油颇有困难。Kempka had some difficulty in rounding up so much fuel.

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他们通过将小帆的绳索拉紧来控制速度。They controlled the speed by rounding in the small sail.

四舍五入到最接近的整数是2。Rounding it off to the nearest whole number gives you two.

我们起草的计划现在已渐趋完成。The plan we have outlined is now rounding into final shape.

另外几个排在前五名的城市依次是底特律、德克萨斯州的埃尔帕素和拉斯维加斯。Rounding out the top 5 were Detroit, El Paso, Texas, and Las Vegas.

由于进位原因,数字加起来可能与相对的总计略有出入。Figures may not add up to the corresponding totals owing to rounding.

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入选前五名的“厌”星还包括杰西卡·辛普森、梅尔·吉布森和汤姆·克鲁斯。Rounding out the Top 5 are Jessica Simpson, Mel Gibson, and Tom Cruise.

所以处理大数据将越来越多地引入舍入误差。So working with big numbers will increasingly introduce rounding errors.

这个图恰到好处地对轴线值进行了均匀布置。And the graph does the right thing of rounding up the axis values nicely.

由于四舍五入关系,个别项目的数字加起来可能与总数略有出入。The figures may not add up to the corresponding totals owing to rounding.

能够将一幅画勾勒出味觉和听觉享受那就更棒了。Rounding the picture out with some taste and auditory input is even better.

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这种舍入有时称为“向正无穷舍入”。This kind of rounding is sometimes called rounding toward positive infinity.

使辣妹名单达到完美的是饰演女主角的凡妮莎·米尼洛。And rounding off the hottie list is Vanessa Minnillo, who plays the female lead.

有一天,我们转了个弯,看到一名坐在一张轮椅上的男子正朝我们这边行进。One day, rounding a turn, we spotted a man using a wheelchair heading toward us.