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子弹打伤了他的手臂。The bullet wounded him in his rm.

现在我要从您的胳膊采血。I'll tke some blood from your rm now.

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MP3能播放RM格式的音乐吗?Can MP-3 play music in the form of RM?

渡轮很便宜只要1.4马币而已,而且回程也算在内了。Only 1.4 RM for ferry. It also included return ticket.

使用rm命令卸载并删除程序。Use the rm command to undeploy and remove the application.

叔父有病,不能接站,直接前往友谊宾馆105房间,已预订。Uncle ill unable meet proceed friendship hotel rm 105 reserved.

溶胶—凝胶法是制备薄膜的一种独特的方法。Making sol -gel is a special method fo rm anufacturing thin film.

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同时问她要一张信用卡申请表…At the same time, ask her. f. or an application fo. rm for the card.

香港上环荷李活道233号,荷李活商业中心,1201-3室。Rm. 1201-3, Hollywood Centre, 233 Hollywood Rd, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.

在赛道记忆体的奈米导线中,磁区壁存在于0与1的邻界处。In RM nanowires, a domain wall exists anywhere that a 0 is next to a 1.

单宁酶是以嵌入反胶束膜或与反胶束内膜接触的方式增溶的。Tannase was dissolved in RM with inserting RM membrane or adhering to RM.

s的申请费在1100.00人民币每辆汽车和在300.00人民币的临时进口许可每个容器。S at RMB 1100.00 per car and Temporary Import Permit at RM 300.00 per Container.

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我这里很正常,是卸载原来的版本重新安装新版本的。Try re-installing MPC after uninstalling and removing all the RM relevant codecs.

几乎所有的RM工具都允许你导入已有的需求文档。Almost all RM tools allow you to import existing requirements documents into the tool.

对塔机吊臂的两个拉杆进行了可靠性设计。The paper is about reliability design of two drag links which drags crane a rm in tower crane.

为更好地利用软件,监测和评估新技术的使用状况…Monitor and evaluate new technology within Microsoft area for b. etter utilisation of platfo. rm.

RM系列远程监控器电子控制单个或多个双极发生器。RM Series Remote Monitors electronically regulate the output of a single or multiple Bi-Polar Generator.

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RM计划还描述了变更管理流程,以使项目中的所有人都能理解它。The RM plan also describes the change management process so that everyone on the project will understand it.

这就产生了世界投资组合,然后我们在此基础上计算出预期收益,所得值就是。It's the world portfolio, it's everything and we compute the expected return on that portfolio, rm that's rm.

介绍了快速原形技术和铸造技术相结合的快速铸造技术及其国内外的现状和发展趋势。Quick casting generated by combining RP technology with casting technology is one of major research fields of RM.