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缓和剂可以起到很好的。Can play a very good moderator.

谢谢斑竹的提醒。Thanks moderator for reminding me.

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你可是总版主哦!But oh, moderator of the total you!

听上去不错。你见到“斑竹”了吗?Sounds interesting. Did you see the moderator?

城市通—时尚会论坛版主招募令!!!City Link -Fashion Club Forum Moderator Help wanted! ! !

从预置的100分开始,由主持人控制。The 100 points from the pre-start controlled by the moderator.

谁是你的偶像——嗯,版主给我们提供了详细的分析。Who is your idol----well , the moderator had provided us detailed analysis.

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评论让博客变成一个论坛,博主则变成了讨论的主持者。Comments turn a major blog into a forum, where the blogger is the moderator.

研讨会将由崇基学院神学院院长卢龙光教授主持。Prof. Lo Lung Kwong, director of the Divinity School, will serve as moderator.

祝愿比亚迪工作人员,迪车会版主以及所有车友元宵节幸福快乐!Wish BYD staff, Friends of Di Moderator and all riders happy Lantern Festival!

“没地方可去只好下来”,参会主持人冷淡的说。“You’ve got nowhere to go but down from here,” the forum’s moderator said dryly.

两位候选人将和哥伦比亚广播公司的资深主持者鲍伯。西弗同坐一桌。The two candidates will be seated at a table with veteran CBS moderator Bob Schieffer.

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SEO研究网事务交流,版主申请,建议与投诉。SEO Research Inte, the Panel exchanges, moderator applications, plaints and suggestions.

我要以主持人的身份,问最后一个问题,你们每个人都要回答。I'm gonna take the prerogative of the moderator and ask the last question of each of you.

敬请每位成员详细阅读并遵守,任何问题请向版主询问。Please read each member and to comply with, any questions to the moderator to ask. Thanks.

我是白小琳,美国驻武汉总领事,也是今天晚上美国国庆招待会的主持人。I am Wendy Lyle, the U.S. Consul General in Wuhan and the moderator of tonight’s reception.

论坛公告、提建议或意见、友情链接申请、版主申请等论坛事务处理。Notice, advice, friendship links and Moderator applications such as transaction processing.

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我是白小琳,美国驻武汉总领事,也是今天晚上美国国庆招待会的主持人。I am Wendy Lyle, the U.S. Consul General in Wuhan and the moderator of tonight’s reception.

审查会议的主持人可以作为没有责任的人选之一。The moderator of the review meeting may be one of the persons not responsible for the design.

所以当一项比赛因为下雨而取消时,网络版主就会发送赛事取消的信息给社团的全部成员。So if a game is rained out, the moderator can send a cancellation message to the entire group.