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在右侧中心处有一个孤立巨核细胞。There is one lone megakaryocyte at the right center.

细胞免疫化学法检测巨核细胞MPL。Immune cytochemistry was used to detect MPL on megakaryocyte.

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细胞质岛从巨核细胞分裂而产生血小板。The cytoplasmic islands produce platelets by fragmentation from the megakaryocyte.

其多贴于骨组织表面,而巨核细胞则多在骨髓中。The osteoclast lies next to bone, while the megakaryocyte lies out in the middle of the marrow.

结论巨核祖细胞的内在缺陷是APATP的主要发病机制。Conclusion The intrinsic defect of megakaryocyte progenitor cell is considered to be a primary pathogenesis of APATP.

目的探讨特发性血小板减少性紫癜患者骨髓巨核细胞数与预后的关系。To investigate the prognostic significance of bone marrow megakaryocyte in patients with Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

该方法已用于人体骨髓中巨核细胞的3-D配准并取得满意的效果。This method has been applied to the 3 D registration of megakaryocyte cells in human bone marrow specimens with satisfactory results.

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在高倍镜下,见到的是急性髓母细胞白血病骨髓。在右侧中心处有一个孤立巨核细胞。At high power, the bone marrow of a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia is seen here. There is one lone megakaryocyte at the right center.

相应的,血管微环境处的内皮也通过释放许多巨噬细胞营养因子影响巨噬细胞的完整性。In a reciprocal manner, in the "vascular niche" microenvironment, the endothelium directly influences megakaryocyte integrity by releasing a number of megakaryocyte trophogens.

目的了解TPO模拟肽L203对骨髓抑制后大鼠的促血小板生成作用及对大鼠巨核细胞分化、增殖的影响。Objeactive To research on TPO analogue peptide L203 to the thrombopoiesis effective and cultural megakaryocyte differentiation, the multiplication influence in myelosuppressive rats.

利用重组蛋白,一些调查表明,血小板生成素的影响巨核细胞的各个方面的发展,从造血干细胞到成熟的血小板。Using the recombinant protein, several investigators have shown that thrombopoietin influences all aspects of megakaryocyte development, from the hematopoietic stem cell to the mature platelet.

血小板的主要生理功能是参与止血与凝血,临床上血小板在骨髓移植、白血病、肿瘤等病人中大量应用。Platelet is the smallest of blood cells, being only fragments of megakaryocyte cytoplasm, yet they have a critical role in normal haemostasis and are important contributors to thrombotic disorders.