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在所有伟大的创新背后都有某个刺激性的东西。Behind any great innovation, there's an irritant.

苯乙胺也是皮肤刺激剂与可能的感光剂。Phenethylamine is also a skin irritant and possible sensitizer.

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喜欢红色,魅力的眼睛,但如果能有刺激性过度使用。Like red, it captivates the eye, but can be an irritant if over-used.

穿上护身衣物,以避免刺激性化学品触及皮肤。Wear protective clothing to avoid skin contact with irritant chemical.

邻苯二甲酸酐对细胞组织有刺激性,使用时要小心。Phthalic anhydride is irritant to tissue and should be handled with care.

用家兔作为实验动物,考察PAM对眼及皮肤的刺激性。The irritant indexes of PAM to eyes and skin were investigated in rabbits.

冰醋酸是个脱水代理及刺激物和腐蚀。Glacial acetic acid is a dehydrating agent and an irritant and is corrosive.

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目的观察阿扎司特滴眼液对兔眼刺激性影响。Objective To test the irritant effect of Acitazanolast Eye Drops on rabbit eyes.

斑贴试验证实鲜威灵仙全草系原发性刺激物。Patch test proved that fresh Clematis chinensis osbeck was the primary irritant.

首先收集牙周健康个体的刺激性全唾10份。The irritant whole saliva was obtained from 10 periodontally healthy individuals.

但在联赛中的一些刺激性,12个WNBA总教练的一半是男人。But an irritant for some in the league is that half of the 12 WNBA head coaches are men.

神经冲动、激素及器官特异刺激物可以引起细胞膜去极化。Nerve impulses, hormone and organ-specific irritant can cause cell membrane depolarization.

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如果感觉口渴,可饮用白开水及一些没有刺激性的茶水。If feels thirstily , may drink the plain boiled water and some does not have the irritant tea.

对于执政党来说,往差了说是一个小麻烦,往好了说是经济增长的先决条件。For the party in power, at worst a minor irritant and at best a precondition for economic growth.

中国不想让科索沃问题刺激它与欧美的关系。China doesn't want Kosovo to become an irritant in its relations with Europe or the United States.

甲醛是一种无色易溶刺激性气体,对人体健康有重大危害。Formaldehyde is a colorless soluble irritant gases, for there is a significant hazard to human health.

达赖喇嘛一直以来是中国得到国际社会各界尊敬和认可的眼中钉肉中刺。The Dalai Lama is a constant irritant in China's efforts to achieve full international respectability.

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美政府官员担心周二的交火是在为双方关系火上浇油。American officials fear the exchange of fire on Tuesday will provide yet another irritant for both sides.

在治疗期间,会短暂发生的副作用包括皮炎和毛囊炎。Side effects included the brief occurrence of irritant contact dermatitis and folliculitis during therapy.

皮肤接触NF3是没有危险的。对于眼睛和黏膜,它是一个相对程度较轻的刺激物。NF3 is. not hazardous by skin contact and is. a relatively minor irritant to the eyes and mucous membranes.