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谢谢你的照片,梅尔。Thanks for the photo, Mel.

何时梅尔?奥茨会开始重新击球得分?When would Mel Ott start hitting again?

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梅尔·布鲁克斯在上个世纪七八十年代指导了几部不错的恶搞片子。Mel Brooks did several in the 70s and 80s.

你大错特错了,边都没沾。我被超级明星梅尔·吉布森倾倒了。I have a crush on the super star Mel Gibson.

联合主演的还有帕特里克·斯图尔特和梅尔·吉普森。Julia co-stars with Patrick Stewart and Mel Gibson.

你记得在英雄本色里梅尔吉勃逊的那一句台词吗?Do you remember the line by Mel Gibson in Braveheart?

梅尔稍停了一下,好让大家都吃透他的论点后,再继续说下去。Mel paused, to let his appoint sink home, before continuing.

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在佛罗里达他是马克·克劳福德,到了田纳西,他成为迈尔·爱森斯坦。He was Mark Crawford in Florida, Mel Eisenstein in Tennessee.

梅勒冲我和劳拉说道,“你们认为那听起来象是爱吗?。" Mel said to Laura and me. "Does that sound like love to you?

梅尔在大量鲨鱼出没的水域游泳,让自己陷入危险之中。Mel put himself in danger by swimming in the shark-filled water.

“梅勒脑袋瓜子总挂着爱,”她说,“对不对,亲爱的?”"Mel always has love on his mind, " she said. "Don't you, honey?

吉普森的名声被反犹太的爆发而深受谴责。Mel Gibson’s reputation has been tarred by anti-Jewish outbursts.

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2002年,汤。汉斯,丹泽尔。华盛顿,梅尔。吉布森和茱莉亚。罗拔兹。Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Mel Gibson, and Julia Roberts, 2002

是啊,但是把它和梅尔·吉布森混搭在一起,你能造成一个喜剧经典。Yeah, but mash it up with Mel Gibson and you've got a comedy classic.

入选前五名的“厌”星还包括杰西卡·辛普森、梅尔·吉布森和汤姆·克鲁斯。Rounding out the Top 5 are Jessica Simpson, Mel Gibson, and Tom Cruise.

梅勒伸手过桌子那头,手指碰了碰杜丽的脸颊。Mel reached across the table and touched Terri's cheek with his fingers.

梅尔.杨是一位全球公认的重要的社会活动家。Mel Young, 53, is recognized as one of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs.

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梅尔·费勒于1956年于意大利所拍摄的照片。Audrey Hepburn poses with her husband, American actor Mel Ferrer, in Italy, 1956.

随你怎么说梅尔·吉布森,都不能否认他对于私人岛屿独到的品味。Say what you will about Mel Gibson, he certainly has good taste in private islands.

独特地速溶牌减肥糖的配方分解你体内难以去掉的脂肪细胞并快速的溶解它们。The unique MEL TAWAY formula breaks up those stubborn fat cells and melts them away!