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加曼斯博士说,把这些蜜蜂重新引入英国很重要。Dr Gammans said it was important to reintroduce the bees to England.

直到最近我才把花瓶里重新放上了鲜花。It is only recently that I have been able to reintroduce vases of flowers.

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满月酒也是母亲在生完小孩后第一次与亲戚朋友见面的场合。Traditionally, this was also a time to reintroduce the mother to the world.

维尼亚动物园的管理员说,他们正设法让欧洲貂能重返野生环境。The curator at Ranua Zoo says they are trying to reintroduce the European Mink back to the wild.

有些成员国对欧盟和美国最近恢复乳制品出口补贴表示担忧。Some member states expressed concern at the recent EU and U.S. decision to reintroduce dairy export subsidies.

他说,参议院将再次展开立法工作,让白宫有向中国汇率政策施压的新工具.Senators will reintroduce legislation giving the White House new tools to press China on the currency front, he said.

绿道从更加正式的交通线路逐渐演化为尝试将自然引进城市的廊道。They evolved from more formal and ceremonial routes of movement into corridors that tried to reintroduce nature into the city.

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据英国媒体报道,英政府日前新推出一个”请愿网站”,结果引来上百民众请愿恢复死刑。Hundreds of Britons have petitioned their government to reintroduce the death penalty in a new government "e-petition" website.

吉姆和李决定,在阿肯色州民众面前,以“就是那个普通的比尔”——一个穿红格子运动衫、求真务实的阿肯色州人形象——重新推出参议员。Jim and Lee decided to reintroduce the senator to Arkansas as just plain Bill, a down-to-earth Arkansan in a red-checked sport shirt.

尽早通过轻柔的弯曲和伸展,来恢复膝盖的活动范围。It's a good idea to reintroduce knee range of motion as early as you can by gently flexing and extending the knee to the extent possible.

正如加州伯克利分校的巴里·艾申格林指出的那样,重新引入国家货币的任何努力都会触发“所有金融危机之母”。As Berkeley’s Barry Eichengreen puts it, an attempt to reintroduce a national currency would trigger “the mother of all financial crises.”

Kraemer说,如果将来某一物种可能灭绝,基础的生命控制中心将再导入足够的物种。If certain species should become extinct, Kraemer saysthere would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the speciesin the future.

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如果现在你们只会谈些琐碎小事,像去杂货店买东西或者新沙发要花多少钱这类的,那你们就需要在你们的感情里再次添加些有意义的对话。If all you seem to talk about now is the grocery shopping or how much to spend on a new sofa, reintroduce meaningful conversation into your relationship.

在这些儿童中,大约有18,000人获得了特别项目和一个旨在帮助前战斗人员重返平民生活的国家方案的援助。About 18,000 of these children are receiving assistance from special projects and from a national program to reintroduce former soldiers to civilian life.

在前述坐骨区域不适感完全消除至少几日之后,才能开始逐渐地恢复那一侧膝盖伸直的前屈练习。Reintroduce straight-leg forward bends on the affected side only when the discomfort is completely gone for at least a few days, and then do so gradually.

红狼现在是一项大型计画的保护种,正在进行圈养繁殖,并计画将牠们重新引回野外,以防止灭绝。This wolf has been the subject of an enormous project to save it from extinction, with a captive breeding effort and a program to reintroduce it to the wild.

案例考试同样给对课程中重新介绍一些价值提供了机会,尽管在很多行为主义导向的课本中仍然处于被忽视的境地。Case examination also provided an opportunity to reintroduce values into the curriculum, despite their proscription in the ranks of behaviorally oriented texts.

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一些决策层近期还想再推荐对那些本币升值最受损害,并已经蒙受损失的行业给予出口补贴。Some policymakers, though, apparently also want to reintroduce export subsidies for sectors most hurt by the currency appreciation that has already taken place.

一场意外车祸让本是数学教授的他短时记忆只能持续80分钟。Due to an accident, the mathematics professor's short-term memory lasts only 80 minutes, so his housekeeper must reintroduce herself each morning when she arrives.

梅伊阐释并再提出这种说法对美洲虎是公平的,不仅是因为热带雨林正在减少而且也会影响到那些生活和耕作在那里的人们。Mee questions whether it is "fair" to reintroduce a jaguar, because of not only the dwindling rainforest but also the impact "on the people who live and farm there".