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记得咖啡要喝本地“Illy”牌咖啡。Coffee has to be the local Illy brand.

手足口病的危害性?Does brothers mouth endanger a gender illy ?

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还有ILLY的店子卖哪种咖啡呢?价位大概是多少?。There ILLY sub shop which sells coffee? price about how much?

为什么女人结婚后爱得妇科病?。Why to love is department of gynaecology illy after feminine marriage?

“抱怨者”很危险,因为他们的习惯会像“发烧”一样传染给其他人。Complainers are dangerous because their "fever"as illy spreads to others.

“抱怨者”很危险,因为他们的习惯会像“发烧”一样传染给其他人。Complainers are dangerous because their “fever”as illy spreads to others.

手足口病的症状有哪些?为什么小学生得手足口病比较多?。What does the symptom of brothers mouth disease have? Why how is pupil compared is brothers mouth illy ?

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女生性生活后会得妇科病吗?用不用妇炎洁洗?Be met is department of gynaecology illy after schoolgirl sexual life? With need not is Fu phlogistic clean washed?

今天,Domori公司座落于意大利都灵城外,公司建立于1994年,如今是illy集团的一部分。Today the company is located justoutside of Turin, Italy. Although the company was founded in 1994, today it is part of the illy Group.

点了两杯浓缩咖啡,啜了一小口,口感竟是如此地甘醇柔顺,比起我所钟爱的I牌咖啡还要顺口,这下子,好奇心旺盛又健谈的外子,不由地与店主攀谈了起来。A small sip of it, the smoothness and sweetness of the coffee spread in our mouth, much better than Illy . When I was still wondering about the coffee, Michele already started talking to the owner.