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第十一条,取缔不劳而获的收入。The abolition of incomes unearned by work.

许多人为废除奴隶制度而奋斗.Many men fought for the abolition of slavery.

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所有这些都不能成为要求废除北约的理由。None of this justifies a call for NATO’s abolition.

民建联原本表示会反对杀局。The DAB had said it would oppose the abolition plan.

奴隶制被废除了,人们无不为之欢欣鼓舞。Few people would not exult at the abolition of slavery.

他们的讨论是以废除奴隶制度为中心而进行的。Their discussion centred around the abolition of slavery.

徇私舞弊者,何时查出,何时取消学籍。Practicing favoritism, when found, when abolition of school.

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废除奴隶制曾只是一个梦想,直到这个梦想变成了现实。The abolition of slavery was only a dream -- until it was fulfilled.

通过他的报纸,解放者,继任呼声裁撤。Through his newspaper the liberator he became the voice of abolition.

起初,许多住在城里的人反对废除奴隶制度。At first, many of the townsmen were opposed to the abolition of slavery.

毛派武装斗争的基本目标就是铲除君主制。A cornerstone of the Maoists' armed struggle was abolition of the monarchy.

一切您需要知道的关于取消门票惠斯勒黑梳。All you need to know about tickets for the abolition of Whistler Blackcomb.

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尽管奴隶制已经正式废除,但种族主义仍沾污着我们的世界。Despite the official abolition of slavery, racism still pollutes our world.

民国初废府置道,武安属河南省河北道。House home in the early abolition Road, Wu is in Henan Province, Hebei Road.

随着1880年负债监禁的彻底废除,它就失去了效用。It became obsolete with the virtual abolition of imprisonment for debt in 1880.

但是,竟然有120名富翁联名上书,反对政府取消遗产税。However, there are 120 moneybags written to oppose the abolition of estate duty.

取消二套房的相关限制政策势在必行。Second Suite for the abolition of restrictions related to the policy imperative.

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这回意甲联赛委员会废除了种子球队的制度。The abolition of seedings is one of the new criteria decided by the Lega Calcio.

近代意义上的废娼思想产生于20世纪初。The modern abolition prostitution ideals arose in the early part of the 20th century.

主张保留和废除的学者都不乏其人。Scholars advocating the preservation and scholars advocating the abolition both exist.