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单位高镶嵌在机身。Flats high-mounted on fuselage.

可选装一个79.5升的内部辅助油箱。A 79.5l fuselage inside fuel tank can be added.

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它们可收进在机身的舱中。They retract inboard into bays in the fuselage.

飞机机身的腹部擦过树顶。The underpart of the plane's fuselage scraped the treetops.

在机身中心上面安装一个三浆叶主螺旋桨。The three-blade main rotor is mounted above centre of fuselage.

一个巨大的火箭头机身占据了一楼大厅大半的视野。The massive fuselage of a rocket ship dominates the ground floor.

沿机身和机翼塔夫茨执行类似的功能。The tufts along the fuselage and wings perform a similar function.

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飞机尾翼折断,机身残骸起火,浓烟滚滚。Aircraft tail broken fuselage wreckage caught fire, smoke billowing.

机身平面刮研工艺处理,压切精度更高。Lapping fuselage planar technology, the precision and higher pressure.

它们与单翼飞机机身上的结构铁管相符。They match structural iron tubing from the single-winged plane's fuselage.

机身平面刮研工艺处理,压切精度更高。The fuselage press to drive the processing of Gao Pin2 Re4 and never transform.

飞机''。'炮'。''''。'塔'。''战斗机上圆顶形的封闭式结构,炮手的位置,从。A domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage of a combat aircraft.

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两个舵轴承螺栓固定在机身尾部的舵机身。Two rudder bearings bolt to the rear fuselage to fix the rudder to the fuselage.

双座机型亦会在驾驶舱下两侧加上曲线型边条。Two-seaters also have curved strakes below the cockpit along the lower fuselage.

主单元是单轮并收起到机身下轮槽中。The main units are single-wheeled and retract into wheel troughs in the fuselage.

我们遭到雷击,后机身被打坏,失去右升降舵。We have been struck by lightning, the rear fuselage damaged, right elevator lost.

战斗机的飞行员掀动开关收起机身上方的受油口舱盖。The fighter pilot flips a switch and the receiver door atop his fuselage drops in.

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其机身为钢管焊接结构,由V型皮带和齿轮组成传动装置。The fuselage is welded steel structure, the composition of V-belt and gear drives.

我们高射炮的子弹射入敌人轰炸机的机身。The bullets from our antiaircraft gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy bomber.

这种航空器有卵形的机身,能并排放置4个全尺寸座椅。The aircraft has an oval-shaped fuselage that seats four across in full-sized seats.