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现在换作了器乐。Instrumental now.

你会听到什么乐器的声音呢What instrumental sound do you hear?

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工具性条件作用则是有机体的自发行为。Instrumental conditioning is voluntary.

生动而多变的器乐曲。A lively and capricious instrumental composition.

不要混淆工具理由与经验理由Don’t Confuse Instrumental with Experiential Reasons!

他曾在攻打巴拿马和格林纳达时起过重要作用。He was instrumental in the invasions of Panama and Grenada.

卡塔尔这个海湾小国虽是弹丸之地,但却在武装给予反对党支持。The small Gulf state was instrumental in arming the rebels.

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在巴罗克时期,人们重新对器乐产生了兴趣。The baroque age brought a new interest in instrumental music.

分为声乐和器乐两大部门。Vocal and instrumental music is divided into two departments.

蚯蚓可能是散布真菌及细菌的工具。Earthworms may be instrumental in dispersing fungi or bacteria.

多人乐器组合叫合奏曲、乐队或管弦乐队。Instrumental groups are called ensembles, bands, or orchestras.

当你们创作这些演奏曲时心里在想些什麽呢?What did you have in mind when wrote these instrumental tracks?

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音乐作品的音响存在是通过乐器演奏实现的。The sonority of music works is achieved by instrumental playing.

一些人在心理学领域起了很大作用。Several people have been instrumental in the field of psychology.

此曲是河北民间器乐曲中具有代表性的作品之一。This tune is a representative piece of Hebei folk instrumental music.

中国对法规的执行仍然是指令性的而非原则性的。China's operation of law is still instrumental rather than principled.

很多目标是工具理由与经验理由的混合。Some you’ll pursue for a mix of experiential and instrumental reasons.

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中国对法规的执行仍然是指令性的而非原则性的。China’s operation of law is still instrumental rather than principled.

仪器或微量分析方法是可以接受的。Instrumental or microanalytical methods are acceptable for this purpose.

我们蹬艺术指导帮助请来馆弦乐队。Our artistic director was instrumental persuading the orchestra to come.