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这一段不能分析。This passage won't construe.

那一句不能分析。The sentence does not construe.

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你能给我分析一下这个句子的结构吗?Can you construe this sentence for me?

对同一法律,不同的律师可以做出不同的解释。Different lawyers may construe the same law differently.

第二部分主要分析康德永久和平规划的基本内容。In the second section, I construe Kant 's sketch in detail.

那能说明更多东西,是我们在分析文本。That would make more sense. It's up to us to construe the text.

他的拉丁语法水平不高,所以无法得心应手地分析句子。He knows his Latin grammar indifferently, and cannot construe easily.

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由于大家都知道我叫范,所以人们合理地推测我的姓是范·奎因。Knowing me as Van, people reasonably construe my surname as "Van Quine."

本文首先分析了智能家居管理系统的架构及其技术,指出了目前市场上智能家居系统的不足。In this paper, we construe the Intelligence Home system's frame and needing technology at first.

研究过程中针对解释或者口述事情的方式对自制力的影响做了大量实验。used a number of experiments to test the idea that self-control is affected by how we construe or interpret events.

对于建筑师们如何阐释他们对「当前」这个定义的史学议题,将会特别给予关注。Special attention will be paid to historiographic questions of how architects construe the terms of their "present."

上星期,一位选民跟我联系,让我帮他解释一下宪法中包含的某则条款。Last week, a constituent contacted me and asked me to help him construe an article contained within the constitution.

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乡镇行政管理体制改革必须从机构改革入手,进而全面推广村民自治制度,这是乡镇行政体制改革的唯一出路。The only right way is that it must be started from the construe reform, and popularize villages democracy autonomy overall.

在这些著作中再清楚不过的就是一种共同协作的努力,旨在驳斥、超越并且消灭一切被他们判定为灵知主义的东西。What is clear in these works is a concerted effort to dismiss and, beyond that, to annihilate all that they construe as Gnostic.

然后,利用认知语言学中的非范畴化理论对重叠后部分功能发生转移的认知动因加以解释。Then, the theory of linguistic decategorization is used to construe the theoretical foundation for motivation of the functional shift.

Fujita博士与同事们发现人们如何解释世界直接影响自制力。Dr Fujita and colleagues explored the idea that simple manipulations of how we construe the world can have a direct effect on self-control.

正如你能诠有几件事情是可以行使,但在这一点上是事件以外有形必须搭话。As you can construe there are several things that can be exercised, but on that point are events outside of the tangible that must be accosted.

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以IEC标准为基准,介绍和分析了我国IT类产品的安全标准与其他国家标准之间的差异。To introduce and construe the differences between our country standard and other countries standards about safety of IT equipments based on IEC standard.

再次,通过分析基于起重机联轴器部件实例和规则的产品设计方法,建立面向起重机联轴器部件的广义参数化设计系统。Thirdly, construe shaft-coupling product innovation method and has finished the development of the design system using generalized parametric design method.

美国环保局致函星7月31日,通知货主,该船只报废可能诠释了美国有毒物质控制法案违反了1976年。The EPA sent a letter to Star on July 31, notifying the owner that scrapping of the ships might construe a violation of the US Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.