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但是这里产生了冗余。But here there's overlap.

两者内容会有些重叠There will be some overlap.

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接头不好,搭头搭接过长。Bad piecing with long overlap.

但它们并不总是重叠的。But they do not always overlap.

房上的瓦是一块搭着一块的。The tiles on the roof overlap one another.

在实质上,它是交迭和跟随。In essence it is overlap and follow through.

俄利根﹐185-254。他是一位过渡时期人物。Origen. 185-254 AD. He is an overlap figure.

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但要求足够的渐变。But instead, requires enough gradual overlap.

那重重叠叠的远影是我们曾经的快乐么?That overlap far shade was we once is joyful?

“宽级”会造成很大的范围重叠。Broad banding may produce substantial overlap.

它们既可以同时也可以交迭进行。They can run either simultaneously or overlap.

我们分析的所有趋势都重叠的地方。All of the trends that we're profiling overlap.

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这3种欲望都有牵连的。These 3 types of desires all overlap eachother.

如果这个栏宽度是固定的,可能会与工具栏交迭。If they are fixed, they may overlap the sidebar.

在这座拥挤的城市中,房子的屋顶层层叠叠。The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city.

而其他一些内置的渲染器是支持元素叠加显示的。Some other built-in renderers do support item overlap.

家屋的建构与人观是叠合在一起的。The house construction and the view of people overlap.

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我是在家上班的,因此我的所有上下文基本上都是重复的。I work at home, so all my contexts pretty much overlap.

各个类的职责不能重叠。Responsibilities in different classes must not overlap.

但是,问题的这三个领域有许多的交叉与重叠。But there is much overlap among the three areas of inquiry.