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我们的农庄名叫Näs,直到现在还是这个名字。The farm where we lived was called Näs. It still is.

换用其它敏感核苷类似物又可抑制这些耐药变异株。Switching to other sensitive NAs can inhibit the emerged resistant mutants.

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该唱片包含从NAS或说唱歌手拉斐尔Saadiq参与。The LP contains the participation from rapper Nas or singer Raphael Saadiq.

皮斯托亚以触“小佛罗伦萨”著称,这里同样充满文化气息,却没有佛罗伦萨拥挤的人潮。Known nas "Little Florence, " Pistoia has all of the culture but none of the crowds.

这组设置主要用于设置系统的IP地址和DDNS服务。This group of configuration mainly used to setting IP address of NAS and the DDNS service.

它恢复从XFS的格式的NAS设备,如水牛或艾美加,您的文件,在几分钟之内。It recovers your files from XFS-formatted NAS devices, such as Buffalo or Iomega, within minutes.

在中国国度电力工程无限公司是担负该工厂的配置。生产线。The China Nas Electric Engineering Coand Ltd is tsought after with the construction of the plish.

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NAS起初出现的位置可按胆道系统的4个解剖学区带分类。Localization of NAS at first presentation was categorized into 4 anatomical zones of the biliary tree.

针对此篡改技术,提出了一种基于像素匹配的篡改检测算法。Based on image pixel matching, a new image forensics approach nas proposed for detecting copy-paste forgery.

由于其并不会离解,因此其治疗片断被认为是不同的,可以被认为是NAS。Because they do not dissociatethe therapeutic moieties are presumed to be different and could be consideredas NAS.

影像学NAS进行性狭窄常发生在早期NAS患者和单发及多发性细菌性胆管炎患者。Radiological progression was more prealent in patients with early NAS and one or more episodes of bacterial cholangitis.

影像学NAS进行性狭窄常发生在早期NAS患者和单发及多发性细菌性胆管炎患者。Radiological progression was more prevalent in patients with early NAS and one or more episodes of bacterial cholangitis.

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由于德兴铜矿铜钼混精钼品位波动大,硫化钠用量增加和价格上涨等原因,1986年以后,铜钼分离生产时开时停。Production of Cu-Mo separation wasn't running after 1986 because of fluctuation of molybdenum grade, increasing of NaS and price.

随着计算机应用的普及和存储需求的膨胀,存储系统正在由NAS和SAN转向了OBS。With computer application popularizing and storage capability expanding, research for NAS and SAN storage system are changing for OBS.

瑞肯波克在战斗中击落了许多的德军飞机,被认为是是“王牌飞行员中的王牌”,他在飞行中队士气最低落的时候出任队长。Known nas the "ace of aces" for shooting down dozens of German enemy planes, Rickenbacker took command of the squadron soon after morale hit its lowest ebb.

拥有院士身份表明你在学术界得到了广泛的认可,但是很多科学家并不清楚院士增选的流程到底是怎样的。Membership in the NAS is a widely recognized sign of excellence in scientific research, but most scientists are not familiar with the process by which members are elected.

DAFS通过远程直接内存内存传送技术,能有效地缩短数据存取路径,实现更快速的数据存取,从而有效地改善数据存取速度性能。DAFS can make it possible to shorten data access path effectively through RDMA technology, make data access faster and improve the access speed performance in NAS appliance.

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本文通过本馆在构建SAN的过程中的一些经验,介绍了网络存储中的NAS和SAN技术,并介绍了数字图书馆构建SAN的几个详细步骤。Based on experiences in SAN system construction, the paper has introduced NAS and SAN technologies in network storage and the detailed steps for SAN construction in digital libraries.

实验结果表明,在线污染监测方法能给出ISO、NAS与SAE油液污染等级,可满足生产现场的在线监测要求。The experimental results indicate that, it can effer oil contamination classes corresponding to ISO, NAS and SAE, which meets the operating requirements of production field monitoring.