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涂刷环氧内墙面漆。Overcoating epoxy top coating.

水性环氧树脂涂料。Water-based epoxy top coatings.

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双组分交联型环氧漆。Two components, cross-linked epoxy.

环氧丙烯酸酯会逐渐黄变。Epoxy acrylates are prone to yellowing.

当时我奠定了一些布与环氧树脂。I then laid up some cloth with epoxy resin.

标准普通双酚F型环氧树脂。Standard general purpose Bis-F epoxy resin.

和环氧玻璃钢冷缠带系列产品。Cold steel and glass epoxy tied with family.

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彩色环氧灰浆系统和其使用方法。Color epoxy grout system and method for use.

环氧转换测量也傅里叶变换近红外。Epoxy conversion was measured also by FT-NIR.

涂盖多层环氧树脂,附手轮。Epoxy Heavy Coating, with handwheel. Fig. 5207

涂盖多层环氧树脂,附手轮。Epoxy Heavy Coating, with handwheel. Fig. 5307

模型材料为环氧树脂平板。The models were made of the plate of epoxy resin.

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两个克分子环氧与一个克分子A-1100反应。Two moles of epoxy react with one mole of A-1100.

一种双组份胺加成固化的环氧涂料。It's a two-component amine adduct cured epoxy paint.

胺。常被用作环氧树脂固化剂的化合物。Amines. Often used as curing agents in epoxy compounds.

然后环氧化薄片覆在原始模具上。The epoxy sheet is then placed onto the original molds.

对碳钢表面进行硅烷处理,用环氧树脂胶黏剂粘接。The silane treated carbon steel was adhered by epoxy resin.

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天平台桌面为35英寸宽、24英寸深、2.5英寸厚的环氧树脂台面。Tabletop made of 35" wide, 24" depth, 2.5" thick Epoxy Slab.

环氧煤焦油沥青漆。使用前请将A、B组分搅拌均匀。Coal tar epoxy. Part A and Part B mixed prior to application.

双组份富锌环氧聚酰胺固化的底漆。It's a two component, polyamide cured epoxy zinc rich primer.