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她藉着叫卖零嘴赚了许多钱。She earned a lot of money by peddling snacks.

他是个非法贩卖药品的人。He's the one who's peddling the drugs unlawfully.

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兜售一把药可能引来15年监禁。Peddling a handful can lead to a 15-year sentence.

这位教授,事实上在兜售伪科学。The Professor is, in fact, peddling pseudoscience.

他挨家挨户作小贩已有数星期。He has been peddling from house to house for weeks.

他们表示做小贩是他们可以找到的最好的工作了。They said peddling was the best job they could find.

游客禁止任何兜售叫卖活动,违者将受到处罚并驱逐出境。Tourists are not allowed to engage in any peddling activity.

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但这恰好为两翼的极端分子留有一个缝隙,以宣扬兜售一些毫无意义的解决方案。That leaves a gap for extremists on the left and right, peddling dead-end solutions.

这是安杜哈尔一年内第三次因为无照经营而被捕。It is the third time that Andujar has been arrested for unlicensed peddling in a year.

陈还被指控挪用公款、洗钱、藉势藉端勒索的行为。Chen is also accused of embezzlement, money laundering, influence peddling and extortion.

叫卖指挨门挨户地推销廉价的小商品。Peddling indicates the selling of small , inexpensive goods by going from house to house.

你为什么不继续做点工作,却整日无所事事地闲混?Why don't you get on with some work insteed of peddling away the whole day doing nothing?

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为利混乱神的道之人“在一个英文版本的圣经中被翻译成”小贩。The men of peddling the word for profit" in another version of Bible described as "huckster.

如今,像这样在互联网上公然叫卖走私货的网店不少。Nowadays, resemble peddling avowedly on Internet so the net shop of contraband is not little.

他们驶过那些亭子,两排的亭子向带着相机的游客叫卖着玫瑰花坛,纪念章,图片,和纪念品。They eased past kiosks peddling rosaries, medals, pictures, and souvenirs to more camera-toting visitors.

对于工程技术专业的人来说,那就意味着为电脑批发商叫卖低端的电子设备。For tech engineers, that often means peddling low-end electronic gear for the city's computer wholesalers.

收垃圾的男人身穿蓝色制服,骑着相称的蓝色三轮在798艺术区里转。The trash guy wears a light blue uniform, peddling around 798 art district with a color matching tricycle.

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花海外,平谷农民将自家的农产品摆到路边,热情地向游客们推销着。By the road are the Pinggu farmers, who are peddling their agricultural products to the tourists earnestly.

我国纸板脚是在坚持和曲柄的背景抠出的区域席卷了我的脚,而兜售。My cardboard foot is on a stick crank and has a background cutout of the area swept by my foot while peddling.

有人暗地里传言说艾柯维不过是帕帕诺依达安插在参议院内的傀儡,利用她的台面身份巧妙地扩张其影响力。Some whisper that Eekway is merely Papanoida's puppet in the Senate, peddling his influence through a clever front.