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全谷物上油皮革鞋面。Full-grain oiled leather upper.

他灌下更多的伏特加来促进思考。He oiled thought with more vodka.

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涂油正绒面革和绒面革上。Oiled nubuck and suede leather upper.

铰链发出很大噪声,所以我给它浇油。The hinges were noisy so I oiled them.

然后放至在刷有薄油的表面。Then place on a lightly oiled surface.

我稍稍有点醉意,回到艾米莉姨妈家。I returned to Aunt Emily slightly oiled.

地板也是灰色颜料加上白色油漆髹上的。The floor is ash, oiled with white pigment.

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零件需要清洗,上防锈油,但却很脏。The parts shall be clean and oiled but dry.

如果他遇到一扇难开的门,他就涂一些油在门闩上。If a gate was hard to open, he oiled the latch.

机器要上油,以保持其转动顺滑。Machinery is oiled to keep it running smoothly.

科威特的经济命脉极其依赖石油。THE economy of Kuwait is exceedingly well oiled.

这样的表就应该拿去上油或修理了。Such a watch should be sent to be oiled or mended.

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太好了,您最好的护甲和武器全都已经修整完毕。Good. Your best armor and weapons are oiled and ready.

对形状复杂以及油易附着的工件清洗效果更好。Good results for the complex-geometry and oiled workpieces.

容器抹上少许油脂,放入面团盖上保鲜膜。Place the dough in an oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap.

那条小狗一身金黄色的毛,闪闪发亮,像刚刚擦过油。The little dog wears golden and bright fur, like being oiled.

捏成小馅饼,并放到放了油的煎锅内炸,直至变成金褐色。Shape into patties. Fry in an oiled skillet until golden brown.

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结合上油纺织面料口音磨砂皮革鞋面。Combination oiled nubuck leather upper with textile fabric accents.

他的手推车虽然昨天上了油,但跑起来还是嘎嘎作响。His handcart is still rattling along though it was oiled yesterday.

他们制造油纸雨伞已经有400多年的历史了。They have been making oiled paper umbrellas for more than 400 years.