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伟晶花岗岩是一种可以在堤防或静脉发现粗的类型。Pegmatite is a coarse type of granite that can be found in dikes or veins.

矿石为花岗伟晶结构,似文象结构和块状、条带状构造。Ores are of pegmatite granites texture, graphic and massive, banded structure.

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云南麻栗坡祖母绿主要有伟晶岩脉型和云英岩脉型两种矿化类型。Malipo emerald deposit in Yunnan Province has two types of pegmatite vein and greisen vein.

霞石为典型的碱性矿物,主要生成于碱性岩及其伟晶岩中。Nepheline is a typical kind of alkaline mineral, which forms mainly in alkaline deposit and its pegmatite.

含矿岩体位于“岩浆树”顶端-二云母花岗岩-花岗伟晶岩带。Ore-bearing rock body is located at the top of" magma tree" within the belt of dimicaceous granite-granitic pegmatite.

岩浆侵位过程是一个复杂的物理化学过程,控制着岩体和矿床的空间分布。Ore-bearing rock body is located at the top of" magma tree" within the belt of dimicaceous granite-granitic pegmatite.

其中辉绿岩和煌斑岩是典型的幔源岩,花岗伟晶岩则是典型的壳源岩。The diabase and lamprophyre are typical mantle source rock while the granite pegmatite is typical crustal source rock.

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如其它含有伟晶岩的矿藏一样,巴西亚历山大石也只能在难以到达的崎岖地区所发现。As with other mines containing pegmatite rocks, Brazilian Alexandrite is found in rugged areas that can be difficult to access.

新疆阿尔泰地区某些花岗伟晶岩含有金绿宝石,它是一种罕见的稀有元素矿物,而且具有极高的经济价值。Chrysoberyl in some granite pegmatite is a rare mineral that seldom seen in Altatic area , and it is a valuable precious stone.

在伟晶岩接触带,硫化物成分变为黄铜矿、针镍矿、黄铁矿及硫镍铁矿,伴生有磁铁矿和赤铁矿。At pegmatite contacts the composition changes to chalcopyrite, millerite, pyrite, and violarite accompanied by magnetite and hematite.

矿化伟晶岩墙大多受NEE向纵向节理控制,并位于幕阜山岩体的边缘。The mineralized pegmatite dykes are mostly controlled by NEE-striked longitudinal joints and lie in the marginal facies of Mufu mountain rocks mass.

他们赤手掘出壕沟,在伟晶岩石层中寻觅稀疏的亚历山大石矿脉,开坑打洞,开采无比原始。Following the sparse Alexandrite veins through pegmatite rock with hand dug trenches, open pits and small tunnels, mining was very primitive to say the least.

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连云山上石含锂铍钽铌矿床位于连云山背斜南翼上石伟晶岩密集区,其地层为板溪群二云母片岩。Li- Be-Ta-Nb-bearing deposits in Lianyun Mountain occurred in Shangshi on the south wing of Lianyun Mountain anticline, the densely distributed pegmatite area.

花岗岩演化晚期-伟晶岩阶段的高温水热流体中可以存在短链羧酸。It is possible that short-chain carboxylates are present in high temperature hydrothermal fluids at the late stage of the granite evolution, the pegmatite stage.

流体熔融包裹体成分研究表明阿尔泰伟晶岩成因与岩浆-热液过渡阶段有密切联系。The research of compositions of fluid-melt inclusions indicates that the genesis of Altai pegmatite was close ties with magmatic-hydrothermal transitional stage.

非洲亚历山大石都典型地分布于临河的湿润地区,赤手沿河床挖掘,开采富含亚历山大石的伟晶岩。African Alexandrite is typically located in wet regions near rivers and mined by digging through river beds by hand to unearth the Alexandrite rich pegmatite rock.

除了结晶分异模式外,富氟花岗岩浆液态不混溶作用也是伟晶岩成岩成矿的重要机制。Beside fractional crystallization model, liquid immiscibility of Fluorine-rich granite magma is an important mechanism to form pegmatite and pegmatite type deposit.

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经调研分析及工艺试验,将本地伟晶岩引入炻器坯料中,开发了资源,降低了生产成本。The local Pegmatite was introduced into the body mud of stoneware basing on research, analysis, and process test. The resources were exploited, the cost of production was decreased.

磷酸盐矿物是稀有金属花岗伟晶岩中最复杂的一组矿物,在中国以南平伟晶岩最为发育,目前已发现至少22种磷酸盐矿物,其中属我国首次发现的有14种。The phosphate minerals is the most complex one in the granitic pegmatite with rare metal mineralization. In China, the granitic pegmatite in the Nanping area has more phosphate minerals.

花岗岩中的异离体型伟晶岩和贯入状脉型伟晶岩,挥发份、助熔剂等元素和同位素组成在不混溶相间的突变性是该类不混溶作用的主要标志。Sohlieren type pamatites and injected pegmatite veins, differentiation of some elements such as volatiles and isotopes in different phases are important symbols of the liquid immiscibility.