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有太多的推荐表了吗?Are there too many referral forms?

团体不引荐吃木瓜汁。Referral groups do not eat papaya.

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车辆的0-2岁是一个转介的风险。Vehicle's age 0-2 is a Referral Risk.

引荐一个最好的去皱眼霜?One of the best wrinkle cream referral?

哪个知道好的眼霜,引荐引荐!Which know a good eye cream, referral referrals!

引荐你用凯芙琳试试,纯自然产品。Kaifu Lin referral you try, pure natural products.

经医生推荐的物理治疗。Physiotherapy on referral by a Medical Practitioner.

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控制条件依据社区资源而定。Control condition was referral to community resources.

买点护肤品用吧,平价引荐卡尼尔。Buy skin care products with it, parity referral Garnier.

支付由家庭医生介绍的整骨师的费用。Covers Osteopathy treatment costs on referral from a GP.

支付由家庭医生介绍的足医师的费用。Covers podiatry treatment costs after referral from a GP.

我需要为我的禅车为基础的网站充分转诊制度。I need a full referral system for my zen cart based website.

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否则,占星家应作出适当的转介。Otherwise the astrologer should make an appropriate referral.

如果不能提供这些,则应具备转诊方案。When these are not available, there should be referral options.

在确定是否有必要转介的问题上,少儿普查项目用到了两个工具。To determine if a referral is needed, TeenScreen uses two tools.

不得设立外商独资职业介绍机构。Foreign self-funded job referral service agencies are disallowed.

你永远都无法预知谁将会为你提供一份工作机会或举荐。You never know who might be able to provide a job lead or referral.

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如果我们能够完成交易,我们将付给您现金作为介绍费。If we can make a deal, we are going to pay you referral fee in cash!

在我的朋友的支持下,我现在在昆士亚洲协调会工作。With my friend referral , I am working in Quincy Asian Resource now.

可以通过询问家庭医生来找到能提供精神健康咨询的人。To find a mental health provider, ask your family doctor for a referral.