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使失去光泽或没有光泽。A surface shininess or luster.

获得当前材质的辉度。Gets the current shininess of this Material.

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萤火虫会触犯繁星闪闪吗?Or shall the firefly offend the shininess of stars?

我要彻底克服我的懒惰与羞怯。I want to thoroughly conquer my shininess and laziness!

因眼睛周围不会油油的,化妆品很好上哦。No shininess around the eyes, and my makeup goes on very smoothly.

可怜的影子总是在光明中找寻黑暗,因为他无法接受自己黑暗的身体。A poor shadow always finds shininess in the dark, Because he thinks that he can't recognize himself clearly.

或者,他们可以更复杂,如使用液体釉,改变粘土表面的颜色或光泽。Or, they can be more complex such as using liquid glazes to change the color or shininess of the clay surface.

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有效美白、抚平皱纹、增强肌肤弹性及光泽,呈现莹白润滑之完美肌肤。Effective whitening, dissolving crease, enhancing skin elasticity and shininess , getting white, silky perfect skin.

我们想补充一点的光亮的铅笔,以便让我们画上的“小费一个新的层”的主要亮点,用软,白刷。We want to add a bit of shininess to the pencil so let's paint the main highlight on the "tip" on a new layer, using a soft, white brush.

改变亮度因子将不止影响对象的亮度,还会改变对象表面是一小块闪光点,还是一大块不那么亮的区域。Changing the shininess factor affects not just how shiny the object is, but whether it shines with a small glint in one area, or a larger area with less of a gleaming look.

把亮度因子从70减少到0不会得到你所预期的结果,它只会白色的反射光从聚集在一点转为遍布整个物体。Reducing the shininess factor from 70 to 0 would not work the way you might expect, it would spread the white reflection across the whole object instead of it being concentrated in one spot.