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或许你觉得自己怀才不遇又超额工作。Or you feel underappreciated and over-worked.

教育在中国崛起的过程中所扮演的角色没有得到过应有的评价。Education has already played an underappreciated role in China’s rise.

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这是一个没有得到充分欣赏的方法,尤其是在工作地点。This is a terribly underappreciated tool, especially in the work place.

除了肝脓肿和肉芽肿病外,药物肝毒性容易被忽视。In addition to liver abscesses and granulomata, drug hepatotoxicity is likely underappreciated.

史密斯和韦森第三代半自动的实际上是怀才不遇的优秀枪。Smith and Wesson 3rd generation semiauto's are actually excellent guns that are underappreciated.

但是Huebner声称,来自父母的排斥在年青gay群体的挣扎中扮演了不被看好的角色。But rejection by parents plays an underappreciated role in the struggles of gay youths, Huebner says.

本篇文章收集了六种最不受重视且最不被人食用,但却能立即改善你饮食的食物。has rounded up six of the most underappreciated and undereaten foods that can instantly improve your diet.

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多年来身为一个低收入、低地位的工厂劳工,使他成为一个爱发牢骚、满腹委屈的老头。Years of being an underpaid and underappreciated factory worker had made him into a querulous, bitter old man.

我只想强调它确实存在,而且这是个奇妙的,出人意料的尚未被认识的现象。I just want to stress that it now exists, and that it's a wonderful, unexpected and underappreciated phenomenon.

他是历史上最伟大的球员之一,同时也是历史上最不被赏识的球员之一。He's one of the greatest players of all-time but he is also one of the most underappreciated players of all-time.

与其他性系统相比,雌花两性花同株一直较少受到关注。Compared to the other sexual systems, the adaptation and diversification of this system have been largely underappreciated.

幼童的鼻病毒感染频率显示其在ARI住院的关系被低估了。The frequency of rhinovirus detection in young children suggests that it has an underappreciated role in ARI hospitalizations.

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“有很多NBA球员过着相当凄惨的生活,”李透露,“他们想要更多的薪水,总觉得自己不被赏识。"There are plenty of NBA players who are absolutely miserable, " Lee says. "They want more playing time, they feel underappreciated.

作为研究工作者,我们关心的是未得到充分认识的海洋物种的细胞、组织和器官的变化着的海洋化学特性的影响。As researchers, we were concerned about the underappreciated effects of changing ocean chemistry on the cells, tissues and organs of marine species.

此外,严峻的环境挑战与协作协调活动带来的机遇和好处尚未引起足够重视。Furthermore, the severity ofenvironmental challenges, and the opportunities for and benefits of coordinatedand collaborative actions remain underappreciated.

保罗能募集到这么多竞选资金,一个事先被低估的原因就是他坚定的站在反对美联储的立场,一个长久以来早已成为政治圈中禁忌的主题。An underappreciated reason for Paul’s fundraising prowess was his outspoken opposition to the Fed, a subject that had long been off limits in American politics.

这些软技能,随着组织在全球的扩张而变得愈加重要,但在中国企业文化中却通常没有得到充分利用,其重要性也没有得到应有的认识。These soft skills, increasingly important as an organization expands across the globe, are generally underused and underappreciated in China's business culture.

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此外,同一类的增变基因酶起着低估的作用,在非淋巴肿瘤,抗病毒反应,并在后生重新编程。Furthermore, the very same class of mutator enzymes plays an underappreciated role in non-lymphoid cancers, in antiviral responses and in epigenetic reprogramming.

在本文中,我们希望将我们对学术社群的注意力转移到怀疑的生存条件以及它对创建理论过程的还未得到正确评价的重要意义。In this paper, we want to shift the attention of our scholarly community to the living condition of doubt and its underappreciated significance for the theorizing process.

衰败中的阿富汗政府给当选总统奥巴马摆出了一道曾被他低估的难题,因为他一直试图逆转此地的战争进程。The decay of the Afghan government presents President-elect Barack Obama with perhaps his most underappreciated challenge as he tries to reverse the course of the war here.