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我赌米苏拉赢。I’m betting on Missoula.

你还是用你的警号下注吗?。You still betting your badge?

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我不敢下注,这个报销能否得到恩准。I'm not betting on it being paid.

但他却一直坚持赌球且大多输光。But he kept on betting and mostly lost.

好比学柔术和场外下注?Like what?Jujitsu and off-track betting?

这有点像场外下注。It was like the off-track betting system.

我应该投资在我的创业上。I should be betting on my startup instead.

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我也敢打保票,他肯定会模仿你的举止。I'm also betting he will copy your behavior.

不过,对中国买空并非易事。Still, betting against China will not be easy.

把赌金压在那匹老马上就是白扔钱!It's a waste of money betting on that old nag !

李德勒认为,扑克技巧体现在下注过程中。The skill, Mr Lederer argues, is in the betting.

布莱克夫人把她所有的钱都花在了赌马上。Mrs. Black spent all her money betting on horses.

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如弗雷德里克•姜所称,投资者正是把宝都押在这点上。That’s what investors are betting on, says Jiang.

脸普网似乎对未来几代人投注。Facebook seems to be betting on future generations.

好莱坞最疯狂的夏天即将创造票房记录。Hollywood's betting sequel summer will set records.

足球博彩合法化?好事还是坏事?。Legalization of football betting ? a boon or a bane?

至少一些中国观察者是这么断言的。At least that's what some China-watchers are betting.

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我把我的生命押在了主耶稣上,我相信他所说的每句话。I'm betting my life that Jesus is who he said he was.

本对所有的马都下了注,确保能赢。Ben made sure of winning by betting on all the horses.

没人敢打赌车王不会在2005年赢得第八次冠军。No-one is betting against him making it eight in 2005.