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在转弯处千万不要超车!Never overtake on a curve.

下定决心去超越自我!Decide to Overtake Yourself!

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追上它抓住它,否则就永远失去了它。Overtake it or miss it for ever.

这条路太窄了,不能超车。The road be too narrow to overtake.

我们设法赶上了末班火车。We managed to overtake the last train.

为何不超越我,将我来怀想To overtake me, who should miss me here

不得追越-重复-不得追越。Do not overtake –repeat-do not overtake.

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我不快走才能赶过你。I had to walk very fast to overtake you.

驮金的驴子无险阻。An ass lade with gold overtake every thing.

孟加拉国将于3012年超过印度。And Bangaldesh will overtake India in 3012.

他们保证能在这个林子里追到我门的。They promised to overtake us in this forest.

在坡顶绝不要企图超车。Never attempt to overtake on the crest of a hill.

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“也许你可以在未来的某一天超过中国。”林说。“Maybe you can overtake China one day,” Lin said.

中国似乎想在这方面超过印度。It looks like China want to overtake India on this.

而这一次的比赛中,拉尔特在跑步中超过了队友甘伯。Raelert would later overtake his teammate during the run.

一艘集装箱船要追越我们,我不同意。A container vessel wished to overtake us. I did not agree.

驾驶汽车时,我们靠右边走,超越前面的车时,应当从左边走。When driving we keep to the right and overtake on the left.

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不过请不要留住我,因为我得赶上他,把我的孩子找回来。But do not stop me now--I may overtake him--I may find my child!

比赛重新开始后能超过小林和舒马赫真的很棒!It was nice to overtake Kobayashi and Michael after the restart.

农民只照顾自己的小菜园,集体农场变了草场也不去过问。Farmers tend their own gardens as weeds overtake collective farms.