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几何画板的应用案例。Application of Geometer's Sketchpad.

他在速写簿上画出了男孩头像素描。He sketched a boy's head on the sketchpad.

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在绘画时身体应与画板相距一臂左右。In the painting the body should with Sketchpad arm around apart.

一定要事先保存为一个画板文件以避免丢失这些内容。Be sure to also Save As a Sketchpad document to avoid losing these contents.

用几何画板教学软件绘图,不仅操作简单、形象直观,而且具有动态效果。The Geometer's Sketchpad is easy to use, vivid, and has some dynamic effects.

这里是美丽如歌的画板,为您的风采添姿增色!This is the beautiful Cantabile Sketchpad , for your presence posture hyperchromic Tim!

在这个文件工具是一个较新版本的画板,无法读取。A tool in this document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be read.

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在言语类比推理中,则是视空间模板中的空间成分起主要作用。And for verbal analogies, the spatial component of visuospatial sketchpad has main effect.

画板不再偶尔出现故障时,在某些问题上制造环节开始。Sketchpad no longer occasionally crashes when creating segments beginning on certain points.

他将几何画板运用于数学教学中,为学生提供了一个探索图形内在关系的环境。He provides an environment of relation with the Geometer's Sketchpad in mathematics lesson room.

在这个文件工具是一个较新版本的画板,可能无法正常工作。A tool in this document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and may not work correctly.

液晶电视机最大的优点是能够做得很薄,可以像画板一样挂在墙上使用。LCD TV's largest advantage of being able to do thin, like the wall's Sketchpad linked to the use of the same.

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为了解决此问题,文中提出了三种切实可行的几何画板应用模式。In order to solve the problem, there application pattern of Geometer's Sketchpad are put forward in this paper.

他在画板上做了脸部的必要调整。完成了,他往后一靠,凝视着这幅新的画。On a sketchpad he made the necessary adjustments in the face. Finished, he sat back and stared down at the new image.

易语言画吉他谱源码例程程序使用画板组件画出简易吉他谱效果。Easy language picture guitar spectrum source routine procedures using Sketchpad components to draw a simple guitar effect.

第三部分重点论述了几何画板与初中平面几何定理教学的整合。The last one , the core of the paper , illustrated the Geometer' s Sketchpad in conformity to Plane Geometry Theorem teaching.

很多一线教师都有运用几何画板进行教学的体会和经验,但总的来说,在教学中运用不多。Many teachers have tentative experience of using the Geometer's Sketchpad in math teaching , but overall, not much use in teaching.

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探讨几何画板探索性学习中实验归纳和演绎推理的平衡与统一。This paper discussed the balance and unification of the experiment Induction and deductive reasoning in explore study of the Geometry's Sketchpad.

随着信息技术的发展,广大数学教师越来越重视应用几何画板创设教学的情境。With the development of the information technology, more and more mathematics teachers use the Geometer's Sketchpad to create teaching environments.

把东西偷过来,留作后用。随身携带素描本,写进你的书里。把从杂志上撕下来的放到你的剪贴簿中。Steal things and save them for later. Carry around a sketchpad. Write in your books. Tear things out of magazines and collage them in your scrapbook.