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我也不自量力一回,也对这些研究做一番研究。I have a back overconfident , but also to do a study of these studies.

到那时,我才敢想望,但是我不敢太过自信,我怕下地狱。Until then, I'm hopeful, but I'll be damned if I'm going to get overconfident.

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另一种释义则是,兔子之所以会失掉比赛是因为他自己的过度自满。Another interpretation is that the hare loses the race because he is overconfident.

奥巴马呼吁支持者不要在竞选最后几天过于自信。Obama is urging supporters not to be overconfident in the closing days of the campaign.

在新罕布夏的L的集会中,奥巴马要求他的支持者不要太自信。At a rally in Lebanon, New Hampshire, Obama urged his supporters not to be overconfident.

奥巴马告诫支持者们在大选临近的日子里不要过度自信。Obama is urging supporters not to be over-confident overconfident in the closing days of the campaign.

但过于自信的李将军认为,米德为了加强侧翼的防守,必将会导致其中央地带防守空虚。But an overconfident Lee thought that, having reinforced both flanks, Meade would be weak in the center.

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但是美国的左翼人士对于这场自1948年以来最大的中期选举胜利过于自信了吗?But is America’s Left being bullishly overconfident in the wake of their biggest midterm defeat since 1948?

俄罗斯没有解决不了的问题,但这需要一贯的政策和开诚布公的精神,打肿脸充胖子没用。None of Russia's problems is unsolvable, but all require strategy and transparency rather than overconfident rhetoric.

或许这也与总是生活在一个提倡说出自负观点的人群中有关。Perhaps, too, there may be something about living always in a crowd that encourages loud and overconfident opinion-giving.

这种心理不大可能是意外,我们会过度自信,或许是有合理的原因的。It's unlikely to be an accident—we're perhaps overconfident for a good reason,’ said Dr Dominic Johnson of the University of Edinburgh.

“这更多是关于我的故事,”她说,“我就是那种对于自己知道如何抚养孩子这个念头有着绝对信心的移民后代。“It’s more my story, ” she said. “I was the one that in a very overconfident immigrant way thought I knew exactly how to raise my kids.

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专家对于自己的能力并不比平常人有更多的自信,也就是说,他们就像其他人一样过分自信。Experts are no more confident in their abilities than average people are, which is to say that they are overconfident like everyone else, but no more so.

这位在2004年就加入球队的28岁的勇士,在球队格拉斯哥之旅之前没有任何畏惧,并且他期待着一场激烈的比赛。The plucky 28-year-old, who joined the Gigliati in 2004, isn't overconfident on the eve of Fiorentina's trip to Glasgow and expects a hostile reception at Ibrox.

阿斯慕斯还忽略了美国、特别是共和党一些角落内那些格鲁吉亚领导人的鼓噪者曾是多么过于自负。Mr Asmus also ignores how far the Georgian leadership’s American cheerleaders, especially in some corners of the Republican Party, may have made it overconfident.

和自信的伊丽莎白.本内特抑或自负的艾玛.伍德豪斯相比,女主角范妮.普莱斯沉默胆怯,而且从心底反对虚假的矫揉做作。Unlike the confident Elizabeth Bennet or the overconfident Emma Woodhouse, its heroine, Fanny Price, is quiet, timid and moralistically opposed to amateur theatricals.

当存在模型不确定性且有限市场参与内生时,过度自信的投资者和理性投资者参与股票市场的程度有着不同的行为模式。Limited participation can arise endogenously in the presence of model uncertainty, and overconfident investors enter the market differently from the rational investors.

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自信型经理的气场波段与谦卑谨慎的军队型经理刚好相反,他们培养的团队个个都是角斗士,有超乎常人的必胜决心和心理素质。Overconfident managers are on the opposite end of the humility spectrum from sergeants. They build a sales team of fighting gladiators who possess extraordinary will power and mental toughness.