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任何不忠的指控都很愚蠢。Any accusations of disloyalty were silly.

她对她先生的不忠实很生气。She is angry at her husband's disloyalty.

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他得知他们对他的不忠,感到很失望。He was dismayed to learn of their disloyalty.

杰米说是由于很恶感莫尼卡的不忠。Jamie due to very bad feeling monica disloyalty.

我们能确保他们一点不忠诚的污点都没有吗?Can we be sure they are free from any taint of disloyalty?

你独自去飘游,并不代表你对家庭不忠,对朋友不诚。Your solo trip need not imply any disloyalty to family or friends.

自瑜萌生起对海亮不忠的感觉。Since the initiation Yu from the sea of bright sense of disloyalty.

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无论是何原因,我们都不能容忍这种背信弃义的行为。Whatever be the reasons for it, we cannot tolerate this disloyalty.

选择客居,可以说是一种对故土的不忠行为。To choose foreignness is an act of disloyalty to one's native country.

至少,公开表达对鲁托先生的不忠诚危害到他们的工作前景。Open disloyalty to Mr Ruto could, at a minimum, harm their job prospects.

这句话象一把利剑刺透了我,似乎把我私下的不忠不义揭露了出来。This pierced me like a sword, and seemed to lay bare my private disloyalty.

失败和最后的溃败则应归咎于别人,归咎于他们的“不忠和背叛。”The defeats and final failure had been due to others-to their " disloyalty and betrayal ".

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由于害怕苏格拉底会诱导伤风败俗和不忠不信,希腊贵族将他送上了法庭。Fearing that Socrates encouraged immorality and disloyalty , the Greek bigwigs put him on trial.

他当时相信,我根本没有注意到他,肯定不会将他的离开看作是不忠诚。I didn't even notice him, he believed, and certainly wouldn't consider his departure any kind of disloyalty.

一个受到胁迫的特工往往会感到忿恨、郁闷,容易叛变和制造假情报。A blackmailed agent tends to be resentful, brooding, prone to disloyalty and the fabrication of intelligence.

你在考虑展开一段秘密的外遇,这将破坏夫妻间的信任和忠诚,如果那样的话你又将你的自我尊重置于何地呢?You're contemplating an affair, secrets, the breaking of trust, disloyalty. Where does that leave your self-respect?

香港作家倪震不忠于他的女友周慧敏的丑闻发生了戏剧性的转折。The scandal of Hong Kong writer Joe Nieh's disloyalty to his actress girlfriend Vivian Chow has taken a dramatic turn.

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我们不应混淆异议与不忠的区别。当忠诚的反对派死掉的时候,我觉得美国的灵魂也随之死去。We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty . When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it.

西方商业文化作出的一条普遍批评是这种行为是短视的,这项交易所带来的激动弄得人们鬼迷心窍,同时还繁衍出了背信弃义。A common criticism of Western business culture is that it is short-sighted, obsessed with the thrill of the deal and breeds disloyalty.

之后在同一天她的同僚也有人提出反对银行奖金,说明这根本就涉及不到不忠诚的问题。Somewhat late in the day, her cabinet colleagues have now started to speak out too against bank bonuses, so there is no disloyalty there.