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马逡巡不前拒绝跳过去。The balky horse refused the jump.

就像在许多人类课堂上的情况一样,事情别别扭扭地开始了。As in many a human classroom, things get off to a balky start.

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增加融资可能需要得到固执的美国国会批准。The increased funding would require approval from a balky Congress.

我的却硕大笨拙,簇新,颜色浅而平凡。Mine was balky and awkward, brand new, and of a light, common color.

即使威胁要控告他也不能使这一不肯合作的证人说出一个字来。Even threats of indictment didn´t loosen the tongue of the balky witness.

他越来越钦佩弗兰克林·罗斯福驾驭这套总是停蹄不前的马车的本领。More and more he admired Franklin Roosevelt's ability to drive this balky team.

自从执拗的开始运作后,然而,目前世界卫生组织的流行病反应系统运行良好。After the balky start, however, the WHO's pandemic response system is running well.

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计算机屏幕上的大多数图像都是顽劣的,并且局限于屏幕的一小部分。Most video on a computer screen is balky and confined to a tiny section of the screen.

这个故事变成了两个男孩和高效率停止不前的女人谁必须对他们两人的母亲。The story becomes that of two balky boys and the efficient woman who must be mother to both of them.

即使科比膝盖不听使唤,但那仍无法阻止他为湖人队带来西部决赛的开门红。Even on a balky knee, Kobe Bryant had no problem giving the Los Angeles Lakers an early leg up in the Western Conference finals.

但是由于当时测序工具的停滞不前和高成本,很多后续研究进程都十分缓慢甚至停滞不前。But because of the balky sequencing tools of the day and their high cost, much of the subsequent research progressed slowly or stalled.

不过工程师们对如何绕过这个问题让那个“倔强'气体分析仪恢复运转更有信心。But engineers were more confident they knew how to work around the problem and get the balky instrument, a gas analyzer, back in operation.

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但是这不像很多人想的那样,完全是美国参议员们的错,这些参议员拒绝尽快通过一项碳排放交易的议案。But this is not, as some would have it, wholly the fault of balky American senators who have refused to pass a cap-and-trade bill fast enough.

市环境保护处声称,恶臭的气体、恶劣的餐馆排气系统以及闲转的车辆所引发的投诉最多。Foul fumes, balky restaurant exhaust systems and idling vehicles are among the top offenders, the city's Department of Environmental Protection says.

或许我对iphone的期望恰巧在固定在一个特定时间,就是我那不错的完美的T-mobile套餐/计划快到期了,所以我可以转到蹩脚的AT&T买一个。Maybe my hopes for the iPhone curdled in the time it took for my perfectly good T-Mobile plan to expire so I could switch to balky AT&T and purchase one.

去年的干棉杆儿必须清除了,好腾出地来栽种新的,而那匹倔犟的马匹还不习惯拉犁,总是要走不走地在田里磨蹭。The withered stalks of last year's cotton had to be removed to make way for this year 's seeds and the balky horse, unaccustomed to the plow, dragged unwillingly through the fields.

为增加降水,新近已发射的数千枚携带碘化银的火箭,对此报纸都在抢着报道。Newspapers have breathlessly reported the launching of thousands of rocket shells filled with cigarette-size capsules of silver iodide, purportedly to seduce balky clouds into producing rain.