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在爱的幸福国都。In thm kingdom of love.

没有永垂不朽的王国。No kingdom lasts forever.

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我完全沉迷在我自己的王国中。I cocooned in my own kingdom.

你想要我的半个国家吗?Do you want half of my kingdom?

胡里是充满魅力的王国。Foxy is full of charming kingdom.

欢迎古埃及王国。Welcome to ancient Egypt Kingdom.

那么整个王国都将受益。Then the whole kingdom will benefit.

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他到自己的王国去了。He betook himself to his own kingdom.

荷兰是郁金香的王国。The Netherlands is the tulip kingdom.

进占着大陆王国滨海的领地。Advantage on the kingdom of the shore.

他来自英国伦敦。He is from London. the United Kingdom.

孤高是没有王冠的王国。Arrogance is a kingdom without a crown.

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如果不这样的话,就是国运衰败之兆”。If not, this kingdom is on the decline.

塞尔维亚-克罗的亚-斯洛凡尼亚王国…Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes.

让我们值得的地狱王国。Make us worthy to the infernal kingdom.

他们是动物界的休旅车。They're the SUVs of the animal kingdom.

哦,那古朝鲜是什么时候建立的呢?Oh, when was the Choson Kingdom founded?

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玩具王国有很多秘密!?The Kingdom of Toys has Lots of Secrets!

我们都是生入人的国的。We were all born into the human kingdom.

很快他的王国就变成一个美丽的国度。Soon his kingdom became a land of beauty.