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这可以视为一个大的开支。This could account for the large outgo.

工厂蹬平菌支出是二迁美元。The average outgo of the is 2000 dollars.

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收入赶不上增加的支出。Take has lagged behind the increased outgo.

方法之一是上网跟踪查询你的收入和支出。One idea here is to go online, track your income and your outgo.

本文试图分析她们外出就业的动力机制。This paper wants to pay close attention to the mechanism of motive power about their outgo.

游客能解开灯谜,他们就能将纸条拿下来去灯笼的主人那看答案是否正确。If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper outgo to the lantern owners to check their answer.

我将会警告你下月,即12月12日,到时将会有个艰难的满月在你的个人收入与支出宫。I should warn you that next month, on December 12, there will be difficult a full moon in your house of personal income and outgo.

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那么,你怎样才能记下你的花费额及支出的方向呢?一个好主意是利用网络来追踪记录你的收入与支出。So, how do you go about tracking your expenses and allocating that money? One idea here is to go online, track your income and your outgo.

因此,你如何着手跟踪你的花费并分配这些钱呢?这有一个方法,就是通过上网来跟踪你的收入和支出。So, how do you go about tracking your expenses and allocating that money? One idea here is to go online, track your income and your outgo.

事实是IT服务和IT服务外包在迅猛地发展,即使电信行业也开始向“综合信息服务提供商”转型。The fact is that the IT service and outgo is developing so rapidly that even the telecom enterprises are becoming "integrative information service provider".

如果你不能规律性的支付账单,很么你就应该去住更小的房子,开一辆旧款的汽车,大幅消减生活开支直到入可敷出为止。If you can't pay your regular bills, it's time to move to a smaller house, drive an older model car, or make drastic cuts until your outgo matches your income.

所以,研制和开发具有高性能低价位的数字地震仪成为本项目的目标。So, the aim of this project is to develop the digital earthquake observation instrument which performance is outgo the abroad product and the price is very low.

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控制税收收入与支出大权,也就控制了政府的命脉,从而具备了从根本上决定和约束政府活动的能力。To control the income and outgo of taxation is equal to grasp the economic life line of government and consequently be provided with the ability to control the government.