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可看到桃花岛!Can see Peach Island!

听不见你说什么,桃桃。Can't hear you, Peach.

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带砖红调的深蜜桃色。A brick-hued dark peach.

寿桃造型准确。Peach is accurate shape.

桃树长虫了。The peach tree is wormy.

桃花谢了,有再开的时候。The peach blossoms are over.

这些是水蜜桃味的。They are honey peach flavor.

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三月桃花开。In March the peach blossomed.

桃花都已经开过了。The peach blossomes are over.

它们酷爱吃鲜桃。They love to eat fresh peach.

他把熟透的桃子挑出来。He picked out the ripest peach.

他把熟的最透的桃挑了出来。He picked out the ripest peach.

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我的桃核也在里面呢。My peach pit is inside it, too.

阿丁和小桃在海边游玩。O and small peach on the beach.

人一棵好的桃树上切下一个苞蕾。Cut a bud from a good peach tree.

来,你可以将我的桃核拿去。Here, you can have my peach stone.

我最喜欢的水果是水蜜桃。My favourite fruit is juicy peach.

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桃花流水杳然去。Peach flowers flow with the stream.

小桃看见了两个人的争吵。Small peach saw two people quarrel.

这些糖块儿是水蜜桃味的。These candies are honey peach flavor.