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这就要我们了解归因这个概念了。And this brings us to the notion of attribution.

其二,两套房屋权的归属问题。Second, the two houses of the right of attribution.

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第五,帮助学生合理归因。Fifth, help the students set up correct attribution.

在我们的例子里,是我们提供的属性名和URL。In this case, the attribution name and URL we provided.

认为她的成功完全仅仅是因为有财富是不公平的。Attribution of her success solely to wealth is not fair.

这种现象也被称为,基本归因错误。This is also sometimes known as the fundamental attribution error.

学生在归因时存在“自利性归因偏差”,并且有“习得性无助感”。Students applied selfish attribution bias and had learned helplessness.

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情景对儿童交往归因的影响复杂相当。Setting has complex effects on the children's communicative attribution.

最棘手的问题是找到这些攻击的来源。The hardest problem in finding the source of these attacks is attribution.

哲学的对象、属性和功能是元哲学的最主要问题。Object, attribution and function, they are three problems of metaphilosophy.

二成本、资产及收入之分离应以公平合理方式处理。The attribution of cost, assets, and revenues shall be objective and unbiased.

这张图片已在许多博客上出现,却没有注明出处。The picture has since appeared on a host of blog sites, without attribution ⑫.

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当事情顺利时,自我服务归因偏向,我们就会觉得是自己能干。When things go well, the self-serving attribution bias, we'll credit ourselves.

自我剽窃涉及复制自己的作品而没有正确注明出处。Self-plagiarism involves copying from one's own work without proper attribution.

能力归因与乐群性有着显著性负相关。Correlation between ability attribution and intelligence was negative significant.

回头来看,我认为亨廷顿犯了“基本的归因错误”。In retrospect, I’d say that Huntington committed the Fundamental Attribution Error.

主持艺术的属性是传播性,而传播的本质就在于沟通。The attribution of emceeing art is spreading, which has the essence to communicate.

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文中着重讨论了直接分析法和地震属性技术。Thispaper discusses mainly direct analysis method and seis-mic attribution technology.

在这个过程中,鲍尔拒绝了传统的归属了一些书信,以保罗。In the process, Baur rejected the traditional attribution of a number of Epistles to Paul.

一个可以查询手机号码归属地的程序,支持最新号段。One can query the phone number attribution process, support for the latest segment number.