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慧剑一斩。Huijian a chop.

我睇到件猪扒啊!I saw a pork chop.

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把胡萝卜切细。Chop up the carrots.

把洋葱切细。Chop an onion finely.

印章店备有印章。Chop shops stock chops.

我需要你的印章!I need your chop please!

香菇切成小粒。Finely chop the mushroom.

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给炉子劈点木柴来。Chop some wood for the fire.

这羊排烤得太硬。This lamb chop is too tough.

剁碎蒜头及姜。Chop garlic and ginger finely.

把胡萝卜剁碎做炖菜。Chop the carrots for the stew.

如何炸出酥脆美味的猪排?How do we make crispy pork chop?

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晾凉后稍微切碎。Let cool and then chop coarsely.

大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去!Chop Japanese head with broadsword!

注意他的反手削球。Pay attention to his backhand chop.

猪排至少能让你填饱肚子。At least a pork chop would feed you.

将菠萝、提子干和樱桃剁碎。Chop pineapple, raisins, and cherries.

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把土豆大致切一下,煮成半熟。Roughly chop and parboil the potatoes.

所有的水域都有波浪和方向骤变的浪。Every body of water has waves and chop.

她一斧子就把树苗砍倒了。She cut down the sapling with one chop.