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我是个罗曼蒂克的人,经常为汽车写诗。I'm a romantic.

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我这浪漫派的络腮胡子!my romantic beard!

小狗是浪漫的。Puppies are romantic.

到浪漫的森林?To the romantic forest?

李白是一个浪漫主义诗人。Libai is a romantic poet.

婚前协议是浪漫的。Prenups are romantic. Ms.

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泰迪熊是浪漫的。Teddy bears are romantic.

是巴洛克式的还是浪漫主义的?Is it baroque or romantic?

忘了言情小说吧。Forget the romantic novel.

什么是浪漫生活?What is the romantic life ?

在我看来,它是那样地浪漫。It seemed to me so romantic.

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罗曼蒂克的如何?How about something romantic?

你是一个浪漫的人吗?。Kimi Raikkonen is a romantic?

是最最热烈的爱情!The most romantic of romances!

你想要那天成为罗曼蒂克的一天。and you want it to be romantic.

双鱼座是最浪漫的星座。Pisces is the most romantic one.

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这个城市没有草长莺飞的传说。The city had no romantic legend.

很富感情而浪漫的一首歌。Very sentimental, romantic song.

同时它也是女性与浪漫的象征。It is also feminine and romantic.