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什么时候第一次上场检验?Il primo test sul campo?

辛克莱尔担任右卫而坎波推上中场。Sinclair goes to right-back and Campo into midfield.

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在中世纪,坎普广场上曾立有一尊维纳斯雕像。In medieval times, a statue of Venus stood on Il Campo.

看,我开了一个营地“喜德之乡”。就是“喜德营地”的意思。Look, I opened my camp. " Campo del Sid. "It means Camp of Sid.

1分钟之后,坎波的弧线球攻门打在横梁上。After 1 minute, the arc Campo nodded the ball in play on the beam.

“这和他们之前所习惯的那种热可不同,”坎皮斯说。"It's a different heat to what they will be used to, " said Campo.

1996年博谷苑成为里奥哈最具代表性的出口品牌。In 1996 "Bodegas Campo Burgo" became the leader of Rioja's exporters.

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对于梦想着一个没有菲亚特汽车的意大利的人们来说,锡耶纳就是他们的梦圆之地。For those who dream of a Fiat-free Italy, this is it. Sit at a cafe on Il Campo.

我记得几年前坎珀在来我们球队踢球的时候他开始戴围脖。Well I remember when Ivan Campo came over playing for us a few years ago he started wearing one.

红军上一次负于博尔顿是在2006年9月,加里·斯比德和伊万·坎波连下两城帮助博尔顿取胜。Their last defeat here came in September 2006, beaten 0-2 by goals from Gary Speed and Ivan Campo.

手捧一杯意大利胶凝冰激凌,加入夜间散步的人流中,最后来到锡耶纳壮丽的主广场—由红砖砌成的坎普广场。Grab a gelato, join in the evening stroll, and end up at the town's glorious red brick main square, Il Campo.

照片不清,从风格上看应属草原文化的东西。如确属深坑玩熟,岁数有一两千年了。立虎风格对。Pics are not clear, from style it should be from campo . if it is, it might be one or two thousand years old. li tiger style.

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如果您正在寻找威尼斯的酒吧和美味的餐厅,你不能错过坎波·圣·玛格丽塔周围的地方。If you are looking for the upbeat bars and tasty Venice restaurants, you cannot go wrong with the area surrounding Campo Santa Margherita.

如果这是真的,那么埃呐里·鲁厄祖和拉姆·坎普肯定会有美满的婚姻,他们婚礼当天不仅下雨了,而且下的是倾盆大雨,甚至可以用洪水泛滥来形容。If this is true, then Hernelie Ruazol and Ram Campo are in for a blessed marriage indeed—it didn't just rain on their wedding, it poured and even flooded.

在比赛当日,坎普广场被当地人和观光客塞得满满当当。在这场毫无规矩可言的比赛中,马匹狂野地奔驰于广场之上。On the big day, Il Campo is stuffed to the brim with locals and tourists, as the horses charge wildly around the square in this literally no-holds-barred race.

当还剩下五分钟,坎波在一次把球大力的掷到了库迪奇尼的区域,博尔顿阿勒待死终于忍不住夸张的挥手示意球队压上。When Campo hurled another long-distance grenade into Cudicini's area with five minutes to go, Bolton manager Alladyce was dramatically waving his team forward.

草原石人作为一种独特的草原艺术形式,融汇着草原人民的创造智慧与审美情趣,有着较大的研究价值。The grassland stone figures is worthy to be investigated for its unique campo artistic form which is mixed with the intelligence and aesthetics of campo people.

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2008年联合会杯决赛在马德里的坎波-维拉俱乐部进行,最终俄罗斯队4比0横扫西班牙,五年内第四次捧起冠军奖杯。Russia captured its fourth Fed Cup title in five years with a comfortable 4-0 victory over Spain in the Final of the 2008 Fed Cup by BNP Paribas at the Club de Campo in Madrid.