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邦尼开始哭了起来。Bonnie began to cry.

“我想把邦尼接走。”“ I guess I ‘ll take Bonnie.

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我要带宝尼和我一起去。And I'm taking Bonnie with me.

来束起我漂亮的金发。To tie up my bonnie brown hair.

船儿疾驶象鸟儿在飞翔。Speed bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing.

弗雷德和邦妮·卡普契诺有21个孩子。Fred and Bonnie Cappuccino have 21 children.

埃斯抱起邦尼把她放在小床里。Ace picked Bonnie up and set her in the crib.

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健美和克莱德在堰坝被杀害了。Both Bonnie and Clyde were killed in the barrage.

从前有一只熊叫博妮,她三岁。There was a bear called Bonnie. Bonnie was three.

我们所有的钱都买不到我想为宝尼买的东西。All of our money can't buy what I want for Bonnie.

宝尼将会在有身份的人中间获得一定的地位。Bonnie 's going to have a place among decent people.

在银幕下的金妮韦斯莱,邦妮莱特看起来相当成熟。Ginny under the movie, Bonnie Wright looks so mature.

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后来,瑞秋发现邦尼一头秀发,原来她早开始留长发了。Later, Rachel finds out Bonnie now has plenty of hair.

现在看看爸爸如何使你的小马跳越,宝尼。看着。Now watch Daddy put your pony over, Bonnie. Now watch.

1910年10月1日邦尼·派克出生于得克萨斯州的洛韦拉。Bonnie Parker was born October 1, 1910, in Rowena, Texas.

邦妮过着多年来一直向往过的生活。Bonnie was living the life for which she had always hoped.

我们一起带着宝尼来,我们再去度一次蜜月。We'll take Bonnie with us and we'll have another honeymoon.

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邦尼·斯温顿花了一百万美元获得保释。Bonnie Sweeten has been released on one million dollars bail.

同时,年轻的罗斯科学会赌博,礼貌的邦妮。Meanwhile, young Roscoe learns how to gamble, courtesy of Bonnie.

我们要高高升起饰有一颗星的美丽的蓝旗。We hoist, on high, the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star.