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在广州到那里可以买到塌塌米?In Guangzhou, where to buy tatami ?

您要榻榻米的房间还是坐餐桌?Would you like to sit in a "tatami" room or at a table?

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所有这些话很容易得到我们的乐榻榻米床。All these words are easy to enjoy with our Raku Tatami Bed.

榻榻米房间用黑色和银色布置,形成鲜明对比。The tatami room is designed contrastingly in black and silver.

如果在榻榻米垫中那是它的字,地板被铺以地毯。The floor was carpeted, if that was the word for it, in tatami mats.

进入塌塌米房间前要脱鞋是我们国家的习惯。It is customary in our country to take your shoes off before entering a tatami mat room.

很多人都喜欢像榻榻米一样的矮床,觉得这样的床简单方便。Many people like the same as the tatami short bed, feel that this bed easy and convenient.

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塌塌米上有几件藤制家具,一只衣柜,一张床,床单斑斑点点的。There were rattan furniture on the tatami flooring and a wardrobe and bed with stained sheets.

现代的日本家庭的房屋中仍然至少有一间铺设塌塌米的房间。Most modern day houses in Japan now have at least one room laid with traditional tatami floor mats.

与这个结构相连的是一个小型的茶屋,主要空间内的一个高抬平台支持三个榻榻米垫子。Adjacent to this is a miniature tea cabinet. A raised platform in the main space supports three tatami mats.

会议室内设有一张大面积榻榻米以及由日本传统和纸制成的正方形垫子。Conference room with a large area, as well as by the traditional Japanese tatami and paper into a square mat.

九州岛政府官员说,灯心草是生产榻榻米的材料之一。Government officials said that the island of Kyushu, the production of tatami rushes is one of the materials.

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西北的方位比较适合卧室,因为榻榻米能够充分吸收大地的热量。Northwest position quite suitable bedroom, because the tatami can absorb the earth fully the quantity of heat.

在传统上由于日本人坐在榻榻米地板上,在榻榻米地板上睡觉,因此,家具没有发挥西方那样大的作用。Since Japanese traditionally slept and sat on tatami mat floors, furniture did not play the strong role it did in the West.

两个卧室中的一个是美式的,有很舒服的椅子,而没有榻榻米,厨房和浴室也是美式的。One of the two living-rooms was American, with easy chairs instead of tatami , and so were the kitchen and bathroom fittings.

宽宽的床沿源自于日式榻榻米承载着与亲密爱人的浪漫与激情。Broad bed edge is derived from tatami of Japonic pattern, bearing the romantic atmosphere and passion with intimate sweetheart.

这种日式汤屋提供铺有榻榻米的房间,正对著拥有盆栽、红枫及白樱花树的日式庭园。Ryokans offer tatami -style rooms that open onto Japanese gardens filled with bonsai, red maple, and white cherry blossom trees.

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环境更是“没的说”,“人不多,清静”,不论坐普通桌椅、榻榻米还是包间“都很舒服”。"Environment is "no say" and "a few people , quiet. " Whether sitting ordinary furniture, tatami or packets of "very uncomfortable.

他的最新项目是两个榻榻米大小的流动之家,由DIY组装件组成,总成本为26000日元。His latest project is a mobile home the size of two tatami mats, made up of DIY assembly parts and with a total cost of 26, 000 yen.

据说,将在水中浸泡了一夜的榻榻米卷成很高的圆筒之后,其密度就接近于人体的密度。When soaked overnight and rolled up into tall cylinders, tatami mats are said to come close to matching the density of the human body.